Chapter 22

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Minyoung went back to us at the room. Jungkook thanked us for visiting him and we left. Jennie and I decided to go home since we are both tired.


"Hmmm? What is it?"

"Are you... cool with it?"

"About what, babe?"

"About what happened. I was thinking maybe you don't feel good about it."

She didn't answered. I look for a place to park the car for a moment. She took a deep breath and she look at me as she held my hand.

"At first, when you mentioned his name, I really felt uneasy. I know I shouldn't be but I can't help it."

I cupped her face and I gave her a quick kiss.

"I'm sorry if I let you feel uneasy at that time. And thank you for being understanding. There's nothing for you to worry about. Okay?"

"Well, I just felt uneasy when I found out that he was Jungkook. But my uneasiness wasn't that long. Also, I went out with Minyoung because I want you two to talk. So, did you?"

"Well, yeah. We did. Want me to tell you about it? I know you wanted to know about it." I said smiling at her

She smiled back and nodded.

"Well... thanks for coming, Lisa. I've been dying to see you."

"You have? Why?"

"I really wanna talk to you..."


"Our past..."

"Past? But hey! Don't make it sound like we really did have a past. You were just my friend before."

"Yeah. But then you liked me... right?" He said laughing

"Yaaaaahhh! And besides, It's all in the past. Forget about it!"

"Yeah, I know. I've read your book. And I was really guilty for what I did. I'm so sorry about everything, Lisa."

"Hey! You didn't do anything wrong. And I know that you were really very happy with Tzuyu. I saw it with you two at that time. And you even ended up together."

"Yeah. But she died while giving birth to Minyoung. And when I lost her, I really didn't know what to do."

"I'm sorry, Jungkook."

"Nah! Don't be. I should be the one saying that to you. I'm really sorry, Lisa. I really wanna apologize. That's why I've been dying to see you"

"Ohh come on. Like what I've said, it's all in the past. And besides, I'm currently very happy right now."

"Yeah I know. I know. Your girlfriend is such a wonderful person. She even took care of my daughter despite of her busy schedule. No wonder why you fell for her."

"Yeah, of course! No need for you to say that.. And besides, Jennie.... she's the best person I've ever known. She was there for me from the moment before I published my first book. It's been several years and yet, she stayed with me."

"You are a very lucky one, Lisa. You should never let her go."

"I won't. I will never leave her."

"That the spirit, Lisa. But... I think you should probably call your girlfriend and bring her here because I don't want her to misunderstand things."

" Don't worry. She won't. She knows everything about me. I even told her about you. I guess she was just shocked when she realized that you're Jungkook. But I know that she trusts me. And I'll never let her down. That's how I love her."

"Damn! That's cheesy yet so nice." He said laughing.

"Alright. I should call her. Be right back."

"....and that's what happened"


I was looking at my girlfriend with a relieved face. And she laughed because of it.

"You really though he would confess to me or something, eh?"

"Well, maybe... We'll never know."

"Hey! I already told you that he really loves Tzuyu so much, right? And I really felt bad for him because of what happened."

"Yeah. Me too. Ohh, right! Tzuyu was his girlfriend when you're both gonna meet at the café and you saw..."

"Yaaaaaaahhhh! Kim Jennie! Stop it! Aishhh!"

"Haha! I love you babe!"

"Whatever! I'm not buying you an ice cream"

"Ehhh? That's out of the topic right here, Manoban!"

"Then, you should stop talking about it, or else, no icecream for you."

"Tss. Fine!"


She was pouting her lips and I smiled. I held her hand and we went out of the car since there is a convenience store nearby. I was wearing a cap and she was wearing a mask. The good thing is that there are only a few people around since it was already night time. I bought her favorite milk ice cream and we went to the park near our company building. We both sat at a bench.

"This brings back memories, don't you think?" she asked

"Yeah. It does. We always go here every time before we go home. And right now, I'm even remembering the first time we met each other."

"We're at it again, Manoban?" she said smiling

"Yeah. Do you want me to tell you the story about it... again?"

She lay her head at my shoulder and she held my hand.

"I would never get tired of listening to that story..."

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