Chapter 10

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I left my condomunium since Jisoo will be pretending that she owns it and I stayed at her condominium with Chaeyoung. I told Chaeyoung about everything and she was cool about it. She also told me that she wants to meet the girl that stole my heart. And she laughed at me because I did not even know her name. Well, the situation was complicated and I will defenitely know it later.

It was already afternoon and Jisoo still haven't texted me yet. Why is she taking so long? After a few minutes we heard someone opened the door.

"Hey guys!" shouted someone at the door

"Unnie!!!" I shouted happily because Jisoo unnie has finally arrived. Finally!

"Hey! Care to tell us what happened?" Chaeyoung asked her girlfriend

"Well, let get to it!" she answered

We all went to the living room and sat on the sofa. Jisoo told us everything. She started to talk about from how the girl woke up and Jisoo unnie revealed the details slowly.

"So, her name was Jennie, huh?" Chaeyoung said

Jennie. Her name is Jennie. Damn, it suits her.

"Yeah. And she is really a good person." Jisoo said

"Lucky bastard!" Jisoo added while looking at me

"Hey. Watch your words Chu-ee!" I told Jisoo

"Yaaahhh! Stop calling me that!" she said and we all laughed

"Well unfortunately, the SOKOR members are calling you that" Chaeyoung told her

My members are calling her Chu-ee since Jisoo unnie has a lot of nickname. She was sometimes called as Jichu, Chu and that's how they called her Chu-ee. They teased her since Jisoo unnie doesn't want to be called like that.

It took a while after Jisoo finished on telling us everything. And I was happy that I've got to know some details about Jennie.


I told Lisa and Chaeyoung about Jennie. But I did not tell them everything. I told them some details of Jennie being a fan of Lisa which Lisa was so shocked and jumped out of joy. Well, we all knew that she would be that happy. I did not tell them about how is Jennie as Lisa's fangirl since I really felt that Jennie also likes Lisa so much but she only considered it as a love of a fan. I can still remember how Jennie's eyes were sparkling as she talks about Lisa and how her smile never fades. She even blushed when I teased her. So I decided to tell this to Chaeyoung later. And the both of us will also be the bridge of these two cute couple. This is gonna be fun!

Today is Taeyang Oppa's birthday. We all decided to celebrate it at his favorite bar. And shortly, we've arrived. Damn, so many cameras are flashing unto us. Also, a lot of people were screaming my name. I tried to look at them and smiled. I guess it is already a requirement.

We entered the bar and went to the room that Taeyang reserved. We loved how the room is a little bit dim and yet the colorful lights are dancing. Suddenly, the manager went inside and took our orders.

While we were waiting, my fellow members are starting to talk about something and I didn't mind them. I texted Jisoo unnie to give me an update about Jennie but she doesn't respond to it. And I was getting a little bit pissed because of it. I heard someone opened the door and yet I did not look up bacause I kept on staring at my phone. I guess maybe that was a staff that brought us our orders.

I heard Taeyang was talking to the staff and our fellow members were trying to tease them. At the slightest, I still did not look up. I told myself that I would really not stop until Jisoo unnie gives me an update. Sudddenly, taeyang and the staff went out of the room. My fellow members were talking about how pretty the staff was. Well, of course, as expected from Taeyang, he is our flirt master after all. I didn't even care even though they said that the staff was really pretty because I already have my Jennie.

And suddenly, my phone vibrated. At last! It was Jisoo unnie. I literally smiled like an idiot. And I heard the door opened. So I guess Taeyang was back. Jisoo unnie updated me about Jennie's work. She works at a cafe on daytime and at a bar during nighttime. So, that's why she was walking alone at that time, so she was from her work, huh. Damn, my Jennie is so hardworking. I'm falling even more.

"Okay, okay! Guys. Let's get to it"

I heard Taeyang said and everyone was getting excited. So, we are into that, again. We are always doing this whenever we are having celebrations. Someone will spin the bottle and who ever will be pointed out, he/she will be the "IT". The "IT" will pick a paper and whatever he/she choses, he/she will tell everything about it. Mostly, the papers are labeled as "Problems", "Exes", "Firsts" and "Lovelife"

Since Taeyang is the birthday boy, he was the one who spinned the bottle. pointed at me.

Everyone was cheering since it was the first time that I became the "IT". Taeyang placed some papers at my front and I immediately picked one and opened it.


That was the only word that I said. Taeyang grabbed the paper from me and they all laughed.

The staff was currently serving us another drink. I didn't even know that she was still here all the time.

"Okay. Here we go Lisa." Momo said while smirking

"Okay. So I've heard this recently from Chu-ee that you have someone in your mind lately named Duke?"

Everyone was shocked, including me. Damn you, Jisoo Unnie!

"What?!!! Lisa is that true?" Seulgi asked

"Oh come on Lisa! Spill it!" Momo added

"Okay. Alright I'll tell you about it"

I was about to start when suddenly the staff spilled the drink at me

"HEY! WHAT THE HECK?!!!" I shouted


"I'm sorry! I'm really very sorry." I heard her saying as she bowed many times and went out.

I was about to chase her but Taeyang insisted that he will talk to the manager about it. I was feeling guilty of what I did. I guess I really went overboard. I did not even know why I suddenly shouted at her since I am the type of person who does not easily gets angry over things like this.

"Okay, so where were we?"

"Oh. It's about your Duke, Lisa" Seulgi said

"Duke?" I asked confused

"OH! You all meant my Jen-DEUK-ie?" I added

"" Momo asked

"Well yeah. Jisoo unnie calls her that because unnie said that she was always clinging onto her, and I hate it." I said to them which made them  laughed so hard.

"But her name... is Jennie." I said while giving them my brightest smile

"So, is she the one?" Taeyang asked which made everyone stared at me

I smiled again brightly and they didn't bother to ask me anymore. I guess I already gave them my answer.

And I hope I could meet again that girl earlier so that I could apologize to her properly.

Well yes, I need to.

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