Chapter 34

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It was already night time, Jennie and I are at the bed. She was sitting while reading a book and I was laying my head on her lap.

"I don't know if how many times I've already told you this but you never fail to surprise me babe." She said and she kissed my forehead.

"Of course. I'm the great Lalisa Manoban!"

"I know your name, but you're not that great."

"Ohh Is that so? But my great last name would be yours in the future"

"Ohh.. Really?!!"

"Well, Of course! Just wait for it!"

"Haha! Alright, We'll see about that." and we laughed

"So, Tomorrow is our flight, right?

"Yeah. But we'll visit your mom first before leaving."

"Alright. So shall we sleep?"

"Yup. I'm getting tired." And we both fixed ourselves and we cuddled



"Thank you for today."

"Anything for you, babe. Happy Birthday. I love you."

"I love you more baby."

"Hmmm.. Don't you want any gift from me?"

"Baby. This is more than enough. Having you here with me at New Zealand with my mom is one of the greatest things that you've ever done to me. And how many times have I told you already that having you in my life is more than enough to be the greatest gift that I've ever received in my whole life."

"You don't need to repeat that Baby, I'm blushing!"

"Haha! Aigoo. So, should we sleep?"


Morning came and we both prepared for our flight back to Korea. We both visited her mom first and we both bid our farewell. My girlfriend wasn't able to hold back her tears and I was there to comfort her. After that, we both went to her mom's doctor. He told us that her mom was getting better already and she will be able to go home tomorrow. Finally, my girlfriend will be able to go back to Korea without any worries.

Hours passed and we just got inside our plane. CEO Yang sent us a private plane as his gift for Jennie's birthday and for us to get back faster. It feels great that we are both alone at the plane. It's another yet our last private time together. And when we go back to Korea, we'll both say hello again to our busy schedules.

The plane started to take off and both of us are sitting beside each other. She lay her head on my shoulder and she closed her eyes.

"Are you tired?"

"Yeah. I am."

"Hmmm... Can you rest later?"

"Let me sleep, babe. I'm really tired"

"Even though there's something I wanna give you?"

"Wait! REALLY? What is it?!" she asked excitingly.

"Oh. Baby... you said you're tired, right? You should take a rest first." I teased her

"Yaaahhh! Stop teasing me Manoban!"

"Haha! Alright!" and I took something out from my bag.

"Happy Birthday Baby, that's my gift for you."

"What is this?! Can I open it?" she asked and I nodded

She opened it and she was shocked. Well, as always, I never fail to make my girlfriend surprised so... get used to it, everyone.

"Is this... YOUR NEW BOOK???"

"Well actually, It's not. It's just an exclusive one for you. And the story is not that long I guess."

"Really?!! Let me see..."


"Wow! This is exactly the same title that my mom wanted to have if ever she'll be having a story about her and Dad. I don't know if I told you about this babe but Mom never told me about their love story. I'm really sad about it. I told her that someday I wish she could tell me about it since I can't ask Dad because he's always at the military so....." and she paused

"WAIT! HOLD ON....DON'T TELL ME THAT..." she added while her eyes are widely open

I laughed and I just nodded at her. She was so amazed and she hugged me so tight and gave me a lot of kisses at my cheek. She thanked me and I also returned her kisses.

"I am so speechless right now Manoban!"

"Wait? Are you pissed? You called me by my last name again." I jokingly asked

"Well, Yeah! I am so pissed because you're making too many surprises for me lately!"

"Why? You don't like it?" I asked and she just pouted.

Aigoo... So cute!

"Okay! I'm gonna read this right now!" she said

"But baby, I thought you're tired?"

"You took it away again, Manoban."

"I'm sorry baby..."

"It's alright! But wait... who are the main characters in this story?" 

I saw her precious gummy smile when she heard my answer to her question.

And then, she started reading it.

"Well, Of course! It's the amazing Jennie and Lisa..."


PROLOGUE (Jennie's POV / Her Mom)

"Lisa... Please go out with me."

I finally said it on the person that I like for so long. We are both in the middle of the cafeteria while a lot of students were watching us. I finally took the courage to ask her since we are already graduating in high school tomorrow.

"I'm sorry but... NO. I don't like you."

Her answer was so vivid that it made me burst out in tears afterwards. 

After that day, I told myself that one day, I'll make her pay for breaking my heart and for making me embarrassed in front of many students.

Yes... I'll definitely have my revenge on her...





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