Chapter 39

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"Hey Jen! Over here!"

It was Friday night and I arrived at the bar. Jisoo and Roseanne waived their hands and I went towards them.

"Hey Jennie! It's been a while." Roseanne said

"YAAAAHHH! I will really kill you!"

"Yo! Chill! Haha! You must be having fun?"

"I'm not! You bitch!"

"Haha! It's really fun teasing Jennie especially when it comes to Lisa." said Jisoo

"I know right?!" added Roseanne

"You two are having fun. Eh?" I said

"Haha! Alright! We're sorry. But let's go straight to the point."

"About what?" I asked

"About your revenge, duh!"

"We're at it, again? Ugh!"

"C'mon Jennie! Spill everything! You don't need to hide anything from us."

"Yeah Jennie. C'mon! Tell us!"

"You know what? You two just shut up and drink, will you?"

"Hey! Not fair! Jisoo, can't you force your bestfriend to tell us everything?"

"And you Roseanne, can't you force your bestfriend to fall in love with Jennie?"

"YAAAAAHHH!" I shouted and they both lauged

"Alright. Since I don't wanna ruin this moment, we'll just leave it for now and enjoy. What do you think?"

"Sounds great! C'mon! Cheers!"

The three of us enjoyed the night. I never even expected that I would drink too much. And I clearly forgot what happened that night.

I woke up and I was already at my bed. Wait... How did I go home yesterday? I sat down and stretched my body and I was surprised to see Lisa sitting at a chair beside my bed and she was sleeping. Oh right! I forgot that it was Friday last night. I guess I really went back home and maybe she waited for me outside the apartment. Wait, did she?

"Jennie, You're awake?"

"Y-Yeah. What happened last night?"

"Well, Nothing much."


"Yeah. I just accompanied you here last night and I fell asleep since I'm tired from my training."

Oh right. She was from her training. I was planning on pissing her off a little bit but I guess I'll just have to hold it for a while. I'm actually not that bitch though, I guess a lot of people thought that I am but the truth is I am really not.

Right! I need her to fall for me!



"I'm sorry if I was such a bad bitch..."

"Don't worry about it. I can still handle it though."


"Haha! I'm just kidding. So, what's for breakfast?" she asked while looking at her phone

"Hmm... What would you like to eat?" I asked while walking towards her

"I don't know. Maybe you...." and she stopped as she looked up and saw my face which is already near hers. Bingo!

"What?" I asked softly as I slowly caressed her face and she wasn't able to answer.

"So...Are you planning on staring at me the whole day?" I added and she went back to her senses.

I let out a soft laughter and I went to the door. I looked at her before exiting the room.

"I'll make breakfast for us." I said and I gave her a wink and I left.

I was about to go down when suddenly I felt Lisa grabbed my hand and I was surprised. She was looking straight into my eyes and it was so intense. She leaned her face closer to mine. I felt my heart was beating so fast and I already cannot think straight. But suddenly, she smirked and she let go of me.

"You better not mess with me, Jennie Kim. I know I can still make your heart flatter." She said which clearly made me pissed off.

"Oh really?!" I said laughing "Then you're wrong!"

"I don't think so. I know you still like me, Jennie"

"Oh C'mon! Don't get so full of yourself, Manoban! It was a long time ago. So get over it!" I said and I went down

That's it Lisa, I had enough of this!

After what happened, Lisa and I had barely talked. She came back to her training without even saying goodbye. I guess I had enough of these stupid games. I'll just stop this foolishness and forget everything once she leaves here for good. Yes. This is for the better.

I arrived in our company earlier than expected. My secretary was not yet here so I went straight to my office. I was shocked when I saw my door was slightly open. I immediately opened it and I saw someone who is facing backwards while placing something at my desk.

"Hey! Who the heck are you?!"

"Damn... So I was caught...."

That voice, I clearly remembered it. 

And then, I suddenly smiled when I realized who it is.


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