Chapter 25

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Jennie was so worried about me. So I guess she deserves to know. And besides, she is already someone who is very close to me.

So I've decided to tell her everything.

"I had this good friend of mine whom I met in Thailand a few years ago. He's a Korean. His name is Jeon Jungkook. We became friends because they became our neighbor. He told me that they stayed at Thailand because of his father's business. And at that time, we are really inseparable. We used to hang out together and I even became his tour guide. He always makes me laugh and he always takes care of me. And that's when I... started to like him."


My heart became heavy with what I've heard. I'm not liking this.

"The day before they went back here in Korea, I've decided to talk to him. I told him that I like him and he smiled at me. He told me to wait for him to come back. I was thinking that maybe he also liked me so I've decided to wait for him. I waited for three years but he never did. And so, I received this opportunity to have my intern here in Korea. I thought that this is also my chance to be able to see him." 

"And so... what happened?" I asked and she took a deep breath

"2 weeks ago, I've got to meet a friend of mine who is also acquainted to him and that's how I got his number. We both contacted each other and he decided to meet me. And that was three days ago when I told you that I have somewhere to go. And so, I waited for him at a certain café but I saw him with someone. They were both looking at each other lovingly. So I guessed that it was his girlfriend. They both arrived at me and Jungkook smiled and hugged me. The girl also smiled at me. And of course, I smiled back at them. I mean, why wouldn't I, right?"

I was thinking that Lisa was trying to control her tears. She really looks okay but I know she's hurting inside. Seeing her like this for the very first time really hurts me. So I hugged her.

"And then?" 

"Well, he introduced her to me, and I was right. It was his girlfriend. Then he introduced me to her girlfriend as his friend whom he met in Thailand. And then, Jungkook revealed that they are engaged since their parents made an arrangement for it. And I can see that they genuinely love each other. Well I congratulated them and I excused myself and I left. I went outside the café and run."

"Wait! It was raining at that time! Did you..." I said while letting go of our hug

"Well, yeah. I got soaked while I was running. Then, I was surprised when someone grabbed my arm. It was him. He asked me why I left. I did not respond and I let go of his hand and I ran away. I was really frustrated at that time. But..."

"But what?" I asked while glaring at her

"I was really confused though. Because I thought that I would cry because of it, but I didn't"

"You did not cry? Seriously?"

"Yeah. I don't even know why. And the next day, I got sick. And that's why I never came back to the company. I just got recovered and I decided to come back tomorrow. But then... here you are."

"That's because you made me worried, Manoban! How can I not get worried when I know that you don't have someone here with you! And why didn't you even tell me that you're sick?!"

"I.... I never tend to contact you since I don't want to disturb you from your practices.  And I was resting for the whole time. I'm so sorry about it, Nini."

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