Chapter 04

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All the members of the SOKOR Dance Troupe are here. Am I dreaming? And Lisa... Lisa is right in front of me! I tried to calm myself and entered the room.

"Good evening dear guests" I greeted them

"Oh! Thank you! And please don't be too polite on us okay? Just relax. And don't be nervous, we won't bite" Taeyang said which made me laugh

"Oh! The birthday boy is already flirting huh?" Seulgi added

"Oh c'mon that's the usual Taeyang guys!" Hoseok added

Everyone was laughing except for a certain person. She was looking and scrolling at her phone from the moment I entered the room. She was really very quiet, which I did not expect from her.

Sometimes when I got to see them on television, Lisa was always smiling and laughing. She talks a lot on shows and she easily makes people laugh. I think that is why a lot of people likes her, including me.

"Oh and miss. Can I talk to you outside? Just a moment?" Taeyang asked

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Enough with the flirting birthday boy!" Jong-in said

"I'm not. I just need to ask her something" Taeyang added.

"Ehem. Excuses." Momo added.

"Sure sir. No problem" I answered Taeyang

Taeyang and I went out of the room and the fellow members keep teasing us. I don't know why but Lisa did not even looked at me. Even just for a second.

"I'm really sorry for bringing you out here but I only have to ask some conditions. Is it okay?"

"Oh sure sir. What is it?"

"Oh wait, could please stop with the formalities? Just call me Taeyang." he said while smiling

"I'm sorry. But I'll try" I said and both of us laughed.

"Okay. Let's get to the point. I think you are fully aware of us. Right?"

"Yes... And?"

"And... I just hope that whatever happens here, I hope you will keep it private. Since we all hate commotions and stuff. Especially Lisa, she is currently being guarded right now. And as you can she she's a little pissed because of those stupid paparazzi who keeps on following her. And I hope you'll take care of us. Oh, and yeah! Please don't mind us and stay in the room. I already asked your manager about it."

"Oh! No worries about it. And I'll keep my mouth shut. I promise!"

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem. And, Happy Birthday by the way." I said smiling

"Ohh! Thanks!" he answered

Taeyang and I went back to the room. And as expected, Lisa was still at her phone while others are starting to get tipsy. But this time, Lisa was smiling. Damn, her smile. It was the very first time I saw it upclose, and it made my heart beats faster. But why is she smiling at it? Now I felt the beating of my heart stopped at the moment.

"Okay, okay! Guys. Let's get to it" Taeyang said

"Oh yeah! Here we go again!" Seulgi added

"So, who's gonna be the "IT" tonight? I'm getting excited!" Momo said

"Hey, Lisa! Could you stop it for now please?" Jong-in told Lisa


And that was the very first word that I heard from her. I guess they are playing a game which I don't know, and I like how their friendship is since they really look like brothers and sisters.

"Alright! Let's spin the bottle"

Taeyang spin the bottle. And the bottle pointed at... Lisa???

"YEEESSSSS!" everyone shouted happily as the bottle points at Lisa.

"For the first time in history! At last!" Seulgi said as she jumps out of joy.

"Okay, okay! I've been waiting to hear this!" Hoseok said while looking at Lisa

"I've been wanting to hear this" Jong-in added

"Okay let's get to the point" Taeyang said

Taeyang placed some papers at Lisa's front and he let her pick one.

Lisa immediately took one and opened it and....


Taeyang took the paper and everyone read it and it made them laugh.

"Lovelife. Really?! Yeessss! Haha!" Seulgi said while having an evil laugh.

At first I was getting confused with what they are doing but suddenly I got a feeling that, maybe this is like some truth game. And Lisa picked... Lovelife? Whoa. Now this is getting exciting.

I was currently serving them with another drink and they are finally getting on point.

"Okay. Here we go Lisa." Momo said while smirking

"Okay. So I've heard this recently from Choo-ee that you have someone in your mind lately named Duke?"

Everyone was shocked, including me.

"What?!!! Lisa is that true?" Seulgi asked

"Oh come on Lisa! Spill it!" Momo added

"Okay. Alright I'll tell you about it"

Lisa was about say something and I looked at her while waiting to listen. But suddenly...


Shit! I spilled the drink at her! What should I do? Damn it Jennie!

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" Lisa shouted angrily at me.

"I'm sorry! I'm really very sorry."

I bowed at her many times and to others and I suddenly left the room. And now tears were falling from my eyes. I ran to the restroom and tried to fix myself.

I went to the manager and asked him if I could go home since I told him that I am not feeling well. But thankfully he allowed me.

I went home straight and when I arrived, I immediately lay on my bed.

"Duke huh. I wonder who he is."

That's what I thought to myself as I felt something hurting inside my chest.

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