Chapter 43

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I was talking to Jisoo when suddenly Lisa shouted and hugged me.



Everybody was in total shock including me. I was looking at my girlfriend. She smiled at me. My mouth went agape. I wasn't able to think straight. Then, she hugged me and whispered something before she closed her eyes.

"I was just in time... Thank God..."


I cried. I shouted. I went crazy. I don't know what's happening on my surrounding. My focus was just on my girlfriend who's laying at my lap, unconscious. I hugged her.

I felt Jisoo's hands letting me to stand up but I didn't. The staff forced me to stand up since the emergency respondents are already here. Jisoo and Chaeng comforted me while we followed them on their way to the ambulance.

We saw CEO Yang having a call while he enter his car . The three of us entered our company car and we followed the ambulance.

I cried and cried. Chaeyoung was also crying. Jisoo kept on comforting me and wiping my tears.

No... Lisa....

I am currently sitting beside the hospital bed while holding my girlfriend's hand the entire time. It's been two days since the incident and Lisa is still unconscious.

CEO Yang immediately investigated the happening. It was found out that there was a mentally disabled person at the crowd which had a gun that he kept. He pretended first to be in security that's why he was never caught when he entered. Then he immediately shoot at me. It was me who should've been gotten shot but Lisa hugged me. He was later been caught and arrested.

I don't know how she was able to see that person or how she sensed that there is danger. It was unbelievable. There are thousands of people so it's not easy to see someone holding and pointing a gun towards me.

After the incident, news spread rapidly. CEO Yang secured us more from the media. He never let out a statement about the incident and he said that he'll just release some updates soon.

Tears were falling from my eyes. Our anniversary is in three days but suddenly, this happened.

I heard someone knocked at the door and it opened.



"Hey. You've been here all the time? Didn't you have a rest?"

"I'm not tired..."

"C'mon! Lisa wouldn't be liking this."

"I know, I just can't leave her here."

"You need to go back to your condo. Lisa's parents are coming."

"They are?"

"Yeah. They even asked me if you're okay."

"Is that so?"

"Aigoo... I'll watch over her. Just fix yourself and come back. Okay?"

"Alright. Thanks a lot Jisoo."

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