Chapter 02

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I woke up as I felt the sun's rays shine on my eyes. What happened last night? I opened my eyes and saw that I was at an unfamiliar place. I sat immediately and I was at an enormous bed. My eyes went wide as I tried to remember what happened.

"And finally, you're awake!"

I was shocked to see a person sitting right in front of me. I guess she was there all the time. Has she been watching me asleep?

"I'm really very sorry. I didn't... remember what happened last night"

"Well, you fainted right in the middle of the streets. And girl why the heck were you walking alone at that time of the night?! You know it was dangerous!"

" I know. I was on my way home and... wait? Are you......."


" Yes. I am the one who they called Jisoo, pretty lady"

"The daughter of the CEO of SOKOR's company???"

"That's right! Well, don't worry. I won't do anything bad at you. And since you already knew me, may I know what you're name is?"

"It's Jennie. Just call me Jennie"

"Nice meeting you Jennie. Where do you live by the way? Why do you even work and just go home alone late at night? Are your parents even aware of that?


"Oh! I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to pry. I was just curious. I'm sorry" she apologized

"Oh no! It's fine. And don't worry I will answer all your questions."

Well yes. That girl was Jisoo. As I've said, she is the daughter of the CEO of SOKOR's company. I really wanna ask her about Lisa. But, I'm shy and I guess she will just laugh at me if she knew that I am a fan of Lisa.

I really felt comfortable with her. Maybe it's because she saved me last night. And maybe she can become my good friend.

I answered all her questions and I told her some things about me. Like how I am living my life right now, that I lost my parents and I am currently working my ass off to live my life.

"Oh and yes Jen. I remembered that you immediately recognized me. Is it because you're also a fan of SOKOR, isn't it?"

"Well, since you've said it..."

"What? You are?"

"Hmm... yeah. But specifically I am a big fan of-"


"Li- oh yeah... w-wait? What? How did you know?"

"I don't know. I just guess?" then she laughed

"Uhmmm. Well that's it." I said

"That's it? That's just it? C'mon Jennie you can spill it on me." she said while looking at me brightly

"Well... it's not that I don't trust you or anything Jisoo but this is the very first time we met and knowing that-"

"I am a daughter of the CEO of SOKOR's company... that's it?"

"Well yeah. I find it awkward and maybe you're close with Lisa so..."

"Oh c'mon! Just tell me. It's true that Lisa and I know each other but we even barely see each other right now since you know, she is so popular that she's being careful nowadays and the paparazzi always tails at her wherever she goes."

"Being popular is that hard huh?" I said

"Yeah, it is... I guess?" she said and we both laughed.

I've decided to tell Jisoo about it. I told her how I first saw Lisa and how she made my heart beats so fast. Jisoo was smiling the whole time while I was telling her the story. Well, I really have a bad feeling about this.

"Uhmmm. Jisoo? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Why are you smiling the whole time?"

"Well, nothing. I mean I find it cute when you talk about Lisa cause your eyes are sparkling."

"Wha... Hey!! I'm not!"

"Yes Jennie! And... you're blushing!" she teased while she laughs

Well I don't know. And why am I blushing anyway?!!!

"Jen, you want me to tell her about you?"

"No! No Jisoo, don't tell her about me please!"

"EHHH??? But why?! I mean if I were you, and when I got to meet someone who can let me meet the love of life, then I'll probably let it happen"

"No it's... YAAAAHH!!! What "love of my life" are you talking about?! I am just a very big fan of hers. Okay?! That's all!"

"Hmmm... Whatever you say Jennie" she said while she smirked.

I really do love Lisa when she dance. It is a normal love of a fan, am I... right? Aiishhh. That Jisoo, really...

"Okay Jennie. I've decided that I will let you meet Lisa"

"HEY! But-"

"Wait! I'm not yet done. Can I ask you why don't you want to meet her?"



"I... I just wanted to be that someone who supports her from afar. All I ever wanted is for her just to know my name, even just my name. I want her to know my name and yet I don't want her to meet me."

"Huh? You are so weird Jen, you know that?

"Yeah. I'm weird" I laughed

"Okay Jen so here it is. Since that's what you wanted so I'll respect it. I don't know why you want it that way but I will also find a way for Lisa to know your name, at the right time. Okay?"

"Alright..." I answered

Right time huh? 

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