Chapter 29

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It's been three days after what happened that night. Good thing that Jisoo bought Jennie a milk icecream which made my girlfriend forgive her. Well, thanks to me because I told Jisoo about that.

* video call *

"Annyeong, Sajangnim." the three of us greeted

"Yeong-an sajangnim!" greeted Jisoo

"Likewise. Since the four of you are together, I just decided to have a call. And this won't be long."

"What is it sajangnim?" asked Chaeyoung

"Well, YGENT will be having its first ever Family Concert in the next 6 months."

"WOW! Really? Daebak!" said Jisoo

"Ohh...Wait sajangnim, you said it's a Family Concert right? So it means that all artists will be performing?"

"You got it right, Jennie."

"Whoa... All?! This is really amazing! I can't wait!" I answered

"And by popular request... the four of you will be having a performance together."

All our mouths opened wide to what CEO Yang have told us. The four of us together in one stage? And in a concert? Seriously?

"Ohh! Come to think of it... Lisa, I didn't know why you became an artist though...."

"Oh right! Damn, I've been dying to ask you that!"

"Oh! Well... I...."

"My girlfriend can rap." 

"WHOAA! REALLY?" said the two with their shocked faces

"Yeah. She can." my girlfriend said while laughing at their reaction

"I really just thought that CEO Yang made her into an artist because of your relationship." said Chaeyoung

"Me too! I didn't think Lisa can also be talented besides writing. Good! Good!" said Jisoo

"But it's too bad that Lisa can't dance. Jennie really likes people who are good at dancing." Chaeyoung added

"Well, she even fell for that Main Dancer. Right? Hey Lisa! You should try learning how to dance!" said Jisoo

"Arasseo! Arasseo!" I replied


No one knows that Lisa is pretty good at dancing. Only me and CEO Yang knows about it. And I don't know why Lisa decided to keep silent about it. But it's okay for me, since I felt so special knowing about it while others don't.

"Alright. I'll be giving you 3 days to talk about it."

"Yes sajangnim!"

"Oh! By the way, Lisa. You will be having your first International Booksigning event in Australia."

"WHAAAAT?!!" the three of us shouted

I looked at my girlfriend and she had a blank expression. We all laughed and I hugged her.

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