Chapter 37

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I woke up and I felt someone's arms around me. I opened my eyes and Lisa is hugging me. Am I dreaming? Damn, it feels so good to be in her arms... But wait... am I supposed to be angry at her right?

"I love you Jennie."

OH MY GOD... Did she really say that?! No! I definitely cannot waste this moment!

"Say that again, Lisa...."

"I love you Jennie..."

"I love you too Lisa...."

"Wai-What?!! HAHAHAHA!"

I opened my eyes and Lisa was right in front of me laughing so hard. I quickly sat down and fixed myself.


"You really are dreaming about me, aren't you?! HAHA! Do you really like me that much?!"

"Get the hell out of my room, Lisa! Damn you!"

"Oka-Okay! I'm sorry! It's just so funny..."


Everything that happened wasn't a dream. Lisa is really here. When I woke up yesterday, I immediately went to the guestroom and I saw her sleeping. And I clearly went into a mental breakdown afterwards. So I guess there's no turning back anymore.

I was trying to make everything normal between us. I don't wanna be a bitch on her so I was trying to be cool. But also, I am still giving her a cold shoulder. It's like that I'm being a good person but also I am not letting my guard down.

Damn, I can't understand myself...

"Okay... I'm sorry if I barged in but I need to tell you something..." she said looking so serious

"What is it?"

"Well, I'll tell you about it later. But first, I've prepared breakfast."

She held out her hand but I ignored it and I get off the bed. I stared at her quickly and I saw her smiling. No, Jennie! Don't fall for her ugly tricks.

I went down and I saw that she really already prepared breakfast for us. We both sat down and we started to eat.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"I'll tell you later"

"No, tell me now."

"O-Okay. Well, it's about my stay here in New Zealand."

"What about it?"

"The truth is, I am actually having my military training for a month and that's why I'm... here"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. And I'll be starting tomorrow..."

"Oh great. Goodluck with that..."

"Thanks" she said and we continued eating

"Hey. C-can I ask you a favor?" she added


"Can I... stay here every weekend?"

"Why?" I asked coldly

"Well, Roseanne declined me for staying at her place and I don't have any place to stay. But don't worry, I'm just here for a month and I'll only be staying here every weekends though." she said while looking at me pouting her lips

Wait... Am I smiling?!! Oh No! You better stop it, Jennie! You're supposed to be mad! Tss....

"I'll think about it.."

"Alright. Thanks" she said smiling.

"Hey Jennie..."


"N-Nothing. I'll be taking a rest for tomorrow."


We both finished our meals quietly and I cleaned up everything since she decided to take a rest because she'll be leaving tomorrow. I looked at her while she went inside the guestroom. She looked back at me and our eyes met. I quickly diverted my gaze. Oh shit...

After I cleaned up, I went inside my room and I saw my phone vibrating.

"Yaaahhh Jennie-yah! You better tell me what happened!"

"I'm not in the mood for story-telling, Jisoo."

"Hey Jennie! How's Lisa there by the way?"


"Haha! I'm so sorry Jennie! I have something to do here in Korea that's why I gave her your address."

"YAAAAHHH! Don't ever show your face to me or you'll be dead!"

"Heyyy! Don't be such a monster, we know that you're liking it anyway..."

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"Whatever! I'm done with it! I'm so done with her! I hate her"

"Aigoo... Jennie's too obvious when she's lying."

"A-Am I?" I asked and both of them laughed

"Jennie, Roseanne and I talked about it and we would like to help you."

"Help me on what?"

"On your revenge on Lisa..."

"Stop with the nonsense you two!"

"Hey! We're serious!"

"Enough, I'm also done about it."

"Done about what?"

"About it... about her"

"EHH??!! Why?!!"

"Well, I'm tired. I'm tired of hating her, I'm tired of getting mad at her, I'm tired of...falling for her."

"WAIT! So you do admit that you still like her???"

"Well I guess... nothing really has changed..." and the two of them shouted with joy

Well It's clearly obvious that they're cheering on Lisa for me. I get it...

"So... what are you planning, Jennie? No more plans for revenge?"

"Well, I guess it's not that super evil type of revenge like in movies and stuff but... Yeah I've got something on my sleeves."

"Whoa! Really?! Tell us!"

I told them what I'm planning. I was thinking about this for a while already when the moment Lisa arrived here.

I've been thinking about this for a thousand times already and I know that I can do this.


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