Chapter One ▫ Job Search

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Brittany's POV

I'm Brittany Pierce-Evens, I'm married to my highschool boyfriend Sam Evens and we live in a nice home in LA. My husband works as a model and he's good at what he does. Even though he is a great provider now that we're settled in I can finally find a job.


Brittany:(Looking through a newspaper)

Rachel:(Looking online)Why isn't Sam helping you find a job?

Brittany:(Without looking up)Because he is at work

Rachel:(Keeps looking)You know this could take forever?

Brittany:(Puts down the paper)Ugh

Rachel:Hey I found this website(turns the laptop to Brittany)All you do is type in some of your skills and they give you a list of jobs that fit with them

Brittany:(Looks at the website)I just might try it out

Rachel:(Checks her watch)I have to get going but I will come by tomorrow(stands up and hugs Brittany)

Brittany:(Stands and hugs back)Ok be safe

Rachel:I will(leaves)

Brittany:(Looks at the website then grabs the laptop and answers the questions)


Brittany:(Finishes the questions)

The questions took awhile but I finished. After a few seconds of completing the questions only one job popped up.

It was a position as an assistant for a big time business manager by the name of Santana Lopez. It paid really well too well I would think. The job afford $1500 a week. A WEEK. I thought it was too good to be true.

I decided I would call them first thing in the morning.


Brittany:(Asleep in bed)

Sam:(Slowly climbs into bed)

Brittany:(Feels the bed dip)Sam?(turns to Sam)What took so long?

Sam:The shoot ran late

Brittany:Well I was looking for a job an-

Sam:(Cuts her off)Britt I told you that you don't need to get a job

Brittany:Sam I want a job I don't want to be at home all day doing nothing


Brittany:Anyway I found one it pays like really well so I'm gonna call them first thing tomorrow

Sam:Fine if that's what you what's the job?

Brittany:I would be the assistant to a big time manager

Sam:(Yawns)That's great

Brittany:(Smiles)Goodnight Sam

Sam:(Pecks Brittany's lips)Night(goes to sleep)

Brittany:(Goes to sleep)


Brittany:(Wakes up)

I woke up to an empty spot in bed with a note from Sam he had an early shoot. I wasn't upset I mean he works hard to take care of me and support us so I understood. I was just tired of being alone.

As usual I went on with my day I showered, got dressed and went downstairs to have my usual cup of coffee and toast and make that call.


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