19 -"She's a keeper."

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•Unknown POV•
I open my eyes and everything around me is white. I look around and I don't see anyone.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I shout.


I start to walk but I feel like I'm not going anywhere. All of a sudden, everything changes and I'm in my house. I look around but no one is here.

"Sweetie, you're finally home." My mom says as she comes out of the kitchen.

She comes up to me and kisses my cheek.

"Mom, where am I?" I ask her.

She just laughs and walks back to the kitchen. I look up at the steps and see my dad coming down.

"Dad? Wha-" he stops me.

"Shh shh. Let's go eat dinner with your girlfriend. I can't wait to meet her." He says as he puts his hands on my shoulders and leads me to the dinning room.

Girlfriend? Bu-

There she was. Looking beautiful as always. She sat next to my chair. Every time I see her, I fall even more for her. I quickly go and sit next to her. Once I'm seated, she looks at me and smiles.

God that smile does me wonders.

As my mom comes in with the rest of the food, I feel my hand moving. I look down and see her intertwining our hands together. I smile to myself and look back up at my parents. A few hours past by and we're still at the table, laughing it up, telling stories and just talking.

This is how I wanted it. This is the way I always imagined it going. I wish it could be like this.

"Son, come here." My dad says as he stands up.

I walk up to him and he hugs me.

"You really got a good one. She's a keeper." He whispers in my ear.

We stay in the hug for awhile until I start to feel wetness in my chest. I pull away and look down to see blood on my shirt. I feel myself but I'm not injured. I look at my dad and he's gotten shot.

"Dad!" I yell while reaching to stop the blood from coming out.

"Don't worry son. He's fine." My mom says as she gets up.

I look over at her and see that she's also been shot.

"Mom!" I shout.

"Babe, it's ok. Nothing is wrong here." She says.

She's also been shot. I let go of my dad.

"No! No no no! You guys—you guys are hurt. This is my fault." I yell.

"Why would you say that? Baby, this isn't your fault. Don't put that blame on yourself." She says as she tries to calm me down.

I pull away.

"No! Please don't leave me. I can't live without you guys. Please don't go." I yell as I fall on my knees.

She comes down to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"You won't be living without us. We'll always be right here." She says as she points to my heart.

She stands back up and I see my dad disappear.

"No!" I shout.

"It's ok, sweetheart. You'll be just fine." My mom says as she slowly disappears.

"No! Please!"

"It's ok, baby. You'll see us again. You just gotta wake up." She says.

I stand up and put her face in my hands.

"I can't lose you. I can't have you out of my life." I whisper to her.

"And you won't. Just wake up." She whispers to me as she starts to disappear.

And then, she was gone and everything went white again. I start to pull at my hair.

"Come on. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" I yell at myself.

I do everything I can so I can wake up but nothing works. Then, everything changes again. Now I'm at the beach. It's dark out and the only light there is is the moonlight. I'm staring out at the water and start thinking.

Where am I? Why am I here? Why does everything around me keep changing?

"Remember this, babe?" I hear a guy's voice say.

I look over and see a couple strolling around.

"Of course baby. This was where you accidentally hit me with the volleyball, then, asked me to be your girlfriend and then, to be yours forever by asking me to marry you." The lady tells him.

She then grabs his arm and hugs it as she rests her head on him.

"I wanted to take you somewhere special on our 10 year anniversary. So I thought it would be a good idea to take you back to the place it all started." He tells her as they both look at the moon.

"I'm so glad I hit you with the ball that day." He says.

"Me too. If it wasn't for that, we probably would've never met each other." She tells him.

He nods his head and kisses her on her head. Then, they both start walking away.

"You see that? We could've had that." I turn my head immediately to the voice.

Sitting right next to me was her. The love of my life. My girlfriend from before. She grabs my hand and holds it in hers.

"But I was the one who ruined it. I just had to push you away. I didn't push you away because of my dad or because of yours. I didn't push you away because we were from different sides. I didn't push you away because of what was happening to my brother. I pushed you away because. . .I was scared. I was scared that I would get to close to you and at the end you would hurt me. Or it would go the other way around. I would hurt you. It's hard for people to get close to me. That's why I only have three friends. You should've seen me before. I had zero friends. The main reason I pushed you away is because I got myself in a little situation. I. . .well I. . .fell for you Shawn." She finishes.

I look at her in shock.

"There. I said it. I, Ashley Alvarez, have fallen for you. I don't expect this to change anything. I mean, I had to sneak in here because your dad doesn't allow anyone in. Please, Shawn, wake up. Everyone needs you here. Wake up." She tells me.

We both look into each other's eyes. She disconnects us and stands up to walk away. Everything around us goes black. She keeps walking and walking. Then, my vision becomes blurry and everything around us slowly changed into a hospital room. My vision comes clear and I see her reach the door.



Looks like Shawn was the one in the dreams.

And Ashley finally admitted her feelings for him.

Hope you enjoyed. xx

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