31 -"We just got you back."

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•Shawn's POV•
A few hours passed until the doctor finally came out. I immediately stand up and walk towards her with Cam and Liz behind.

"So? How is she? Did he hurt her?" I ask.

"She's fine. She has a cut on her thigh so I needed to give it the proper treatment. She has a couple bruises. Mostly around her neck. The good news is that there are no signs of sexual activity." She tells me.

I kept on clenching and un-clenching my fists but when she said there were no signs of sexual activity I relaxed. I hate that he would hit her and he even cut her but all I want right now is to hold her.

"Can we go inside and see her?" Liz asks.

The doctor nods her head. We all go inside and we see her still unconscious.

"She should be waking up in a little bit." She tells us.

We nod and she closes the door. Liz walks up to her and grabs her hand. Cam walks up to her side as I take a seat in one of the chairs. The door opens and Ryan and Mason walk in.

"How is she?" Ryan asks.

"Tiff said she has a couple bruises but she'll be fine." Liz answers.

They both nod but Mason keeps his eyes on Liz and Cam. If looks could kill, let's just say that Cam would be dead. I look over at Cam and see him hug Liz tighter.

"Stop doing that Mason or you'll kill him." A raspy voice speaks out.

I immediately turn to the voice and see Ashley trying to sit up. I stand up and grab her hands to stop her.

"You're supposed to be resting." I tell her.

She rolls her eyes and lays back down. I move my hands and everyone walks up, surrounding her.

"How are you feeling?" Liz asks her.

"I'm fine. Which is why I don't understand why I'm even in here. It's not like I'm dying." She says.

We all laugh lightly and I held Ashley's hand in mine. We all talked for a while but I kept feeling someone staring at me. I kept shaking it off.

"So, do you remember what happened?" Mason asks.

"Well, I remember him hitting me a couple times, he cut me once. The one thing I thought was weird was that he never went overboard. He never tried to touch me. Sure, he would try to force me to do things but he wouldn't push it." She explains.

I squeezed her hand a little at the mention of him laying a hand on her. She started to do a circular motion with her thumb on the back of my hand and I started to relax.

"Anything else?" Liz asks.

She shakes her head. Liz whispers something in Cam's ear and he nods. He removes himself from her side and walks over to my side.

"I need to talk to you outside." He whispers.

I nod and let go of Ashley's hand.

"We'll be right back." I tell her.

She nods and we both walk out of the room. I close the door and turn to Cam.

"What's up?" I ask.

"She remembers what happened." He tells me.

"She remembers what?" I ask.

"Don't act stupid. She knows that that thing almost happened to her." He explains.

I think about it then my eyes widen.

"Yea. Liz could tell right away when she's lying but she doesn't know why. So. . ." He pauses.

"You guys want me to ask her?" I tell him with a straight face.

He nods. I roll my eyes but nod and smile. We go back inside.

"Umm if it's ok with everyone, I would like to talk to Ashley alone for a little bit." I announce.

"Why?" Ryan asks.

"Ryan." Ashley says as she looks at him.

"Come on, Ashley. We just got you back. I don't want to leave you again." Ryan says as he goes up to her bed and tries to hold her hand.

Key word: tries. Before he could even touch it, she moved her hand. She looked at Liz.

"Come on, Ryan. Let's go." Liz says as she opens the door.

Ryan looks at Ashley but she's looking the other way. Ryan sighs and starts walking to the door. When everyone is out and the door closes, I start talking.

"Are you and Ryan ok?" I ask.

She looks at me and gives me a straight face.

"Do you want the truth or a lie?" She asks.

"I'd prefer the truth." I say as I bring the chair closer to her side and sit down.

She sighs.

"Things between me and him haven't been the same since the party. He's been apologizing to me but I ignore him." She tells me.

"I understand why you're mad at him but maybe it's time to forgive him." I tell her.

"It's not just that. We were having problems before the party too. He's just been an asshole ever since you came into the picture." She says.

"Ok. So then why don't you guys talk to each other." I tell her.

She looks at me with a face of confusion. I chuckle.

"He's your best friend, Ashley. He's known you longer than I have so you guys shouldn't be fighting just because I'm in your life now. You guys have to resolve this because I'm not leaving you and I don't want there to be tension between you two." I tell her.

She rolls her eyes and looks over to a corner of the room. She thinks for a while before she speaks.

"Fine. I'll talk to him but I can't guarantee that everything is gonna turn out good." She tells me as she turns her head to me.

I smile and she smiles back.

"Now what did you want to talk about? Or was that it?" She asks.

"No that wasn't it. Liz noticed something while we were all talking." I tell her.

She nods at me to continue.

"You lied about not remembering." I say.

She looks at me with confusion.

"Remembering what?" She asks.

"Come on, Ashley. Liz is your best friend and she knows you. She knows when you're lying. The question is, why?" I tell her.

She sighs deeply and looks away.

"It's a long story." She says.

"Ashley-" I get interrupted by the door opening.

"Ashley!" Dylan screams as he runs to her.

Mr. Alvarez comes in but before he closes the door, I grab a hold of it.

"I'll let you guys talk." I tell them.

I walk out and close the door behind me.


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