36 -"Stop!"

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•Shawn's POV•
She rubs the back of my hand with her thumb. I don't want to burst out in anger just like her dad is about to so I let her go and head to the kitchen. I pace back and forth, trying to calm down. Then, I feel a hand on my shoulder and immediately turn.

"Calm down." Dylan says.

I take his hand off me.

"I'm trying." I tell him.

"I get it. I'm pissed too. All I want to do is go to that monster's house and kill him for what he did to her." He says.

I turn to him.

"Then why don't we? Let's go to Seattle, find that motherfucker and kill him?" I ask.

"We are blinded by anger right now. You are too innocent to kill someone." He tells me.

"I don't fucking care. I want that motherfucker dead!" I yell as I hit the counter.

He sighs deeply.

"Ashley. She needs you. She just confessed to her family something she's kept for so long. We need to calm down for her. We need to be there for her." He tells me.

I start to think about Ashley and all the things we've done together. My anger starts to cool down. All of a sudden, Ashley runs pasts us and goes outside. She lands on the floor and looks up at the sky.

"She's falling apart right now. She has those memories floating in her mind and it's killing her. What are you gonna do Shawn?" Dylan says.

I take in his words and I walk towards the screen door while looking at her. She sits up and faces away from the house. I go out and walk towards her. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looks up. Once she sees me, she jumps up and hugs me while wrapping her legs around me. I immediately put my arms around her and hug her tight.

"I'm sorry Shawn. I'm so sorry." She cries into me.

"Shh shh shh. It's not your fault. None of this is your fault." I whisper to her.

"I should've said something. I should've never kept this to myself." She says.

"You were young and scared. You didn't know what happened to you. You didn't know what that monster did to you." I tell her.

She lifts her head up and looks at me.

"I could've told someone though. I could've told my mom. Or, when I got older, I could've talked to my dad." She tells me.

"And you did. You told them and now, we are gonna go after that monster and he's gonna get what he deserves." I tell her.

She unwraps her legs and let's go of me.

"No. I don't want him to die. I don't want my dad to kill him." She says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"He may have done a bad thing but not everyone deserves death for the things they did. My mom came down here because we can put him in jail. If I testify, he'll be put away." She says.

"Are you sure you just want him in jail?" I ask.

She nods, then, I nod.

"Then, let's go tell your dad before he goes to kill him." I say as I take out my hand for her to hold.

She takes it and we both go in. We go to the living room and see that her mom and dad are arguing.

"Stop!" She yells.

They both stop and look at her.

"I want to go to Seattle and testify." She says.

I squeeze her hand to tell her I'm here for her.

"Sweetie, are you sure?" Mr. Alvarez asks.

She nods.

"We could do other things to him that don't involve the law." He says.

She shakes her head.

"No. I want to do this the right way." She says.

"Then, we're going with you." Dylan says as he walks into the living room and comes next to us.

She nods.

"I want to talk to mom alone first, if that's ok?" She asks.

Dylan and Mr. Alvarez have shocked faces while I just smile.

"Uh yea. Of course. We'll be in the kitchen." Mr. Alvarez says as him and Dylan walk towards the kitchen.

"You called her mom. I'm proud of you." I whisper in her ear.

She smiles then I let go of her hand and walk to the kitchen.

•Ashley's POV•
The guys go to the kitchen then it's just me and my mom. I walk up to her.

"I'm gonna talk and I want you to listen to me and not speak until I'm done. Ok?" I ask.

She nods.

"After that day, I thought that you didn't care for me. I stopped saying I love you and started calling you by your name instead of mom. I started getting into fights and pushing myself away from people. I was so little and you got to understand that I was so broken after that. I see now that you are trying to do right by me by putting him away. Thank you for that." I pause as I reach for her hand.

"I'm so sorry for pushing you away. I'm sorry for causing you so many problems. I'm sorry for not helping you to recover from the drugs. I'm sorry for being the worst daughter." I tell her as a tear falls.

She wipes my tear and shakes her head.

"Don't apologize. It should be me apologizing. You weren't a horrible daughter. I was the horrible mother for doing those drugs and never really paying attention to you. I should've never gone back. I was the horrible person in this relationship. I hope that one day, you will forgive me for all the horrible things I did." She says.

It's true. She was addicted to the drugs. After her and my dad divorced, she got depressed and started the drugs. From there until my dad came back from war, Dylan would take care of me. When my dad came back, he saw how messed up my mom was, so, he took us with him to New York until mom recovered. She did and when she was fighting for custody, she only fought for me. I never understood until now. She knew that Dylan was to old to build a relationship with him so she wanted a chance with me. But then she went back to the drugs and that messed up our relationship forever. I'm done holding a grudge on her for something that she didn't intend on happening. I'm done being mad.

"I forgive you, mom."


She's gonna have her justice.

She's also forgiving her mom.

Told you things are gonna look up for her.

Hope you enjoyed.

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