45 -"I guess it's the three of us."

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•Ashley's POV•
After we dropped off my family at the garage, me, Shawn and Liz went over to his house. He parked in the driveway and we all climb out of his car.

"I still can't believe that happened." Liz says as she closes the door.

"Yea. Me neither. I mean, I know he's old school and all but he didn't have to pull out a gun on us." I say.

"Alright everyone. Let's just go inside and watch something to cool our nerves. That sound like a plan?" Shawn says.

We both nod our heads and walk in. Liz closes the door behind her and we walk to the living room. I get greeted by Aaliyah as she runs and hugs me. Tight.

"Woah there, girl. Your about to squeeze my guts out." I joke.

She laughs a little and then she pulls away.

"I'm sorry. I just. . .I missed you so much. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." She tells me.

I giggle.

"You saw me last week." I tell her.

"That's still forever." She says.

"Ashley! You're back!" I hear from behind me.

I turn around and see Mrs. Mendes walking towards me with her arms open. I walk towards her until we meet up and I hug her.

"Hello, Mrs. Mendes." I say.

She pulls away and gives me a pout.

"Not Mrs. Mendes." She says.

I laugh a little.

"Hello mom." I say.

She smiles at me.

"I didn't even know you came back. When did you fly in?" She asks me.

"I flew in this morning. I'm surprised Shawn didn't tell you. He even threw me a surprise party." I say.

His mom looks at him.

"I guess someone didn't want me to be at the party." His mom says.

"Me too." Aaliyah says.

I look at Shawn and see him looking at the floor. I smile and walk up to him.

"Don't beat yourself up. It's not like you did it on purpose." I say.

"Well, mom had work and Aaliyah had school." He says.

"So did you." Aaliyah says.

He turns to her and playfully glares at her.

"Alright alright. Let's all calm down. I did have work today so he has an excuse. You're lucky." Mrs. Mendes says.

She looks to her side and sees Liz.

"And who is this young lady?" She asks.

I walk up to Liz.

"This gorgeous young lady is my best friend and Cam's girlfriend." I say with a big smile on my face.

Mrs. Mendes' smile goes wide when I mention Cam and she immediately hugs Liz.

"You must be the girl that he has non-stop talked about." She says.

I look at Liz and see her blush.

"Wow. You had a better reaction than his mom." She says.

They pull away.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Mrs. Mendes asks.

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