52 -"You don't want me to stay with you?"

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I love this cover. It's the song that gets me in my feelings. I love him and the song soo much.
•Ashley's POV•
I sigh deeply.

"What's going on with you guys?" Mason asks.

"Nothing. Just some little thing." I say.

"What little thing?" Ryan asks.

"Oh just me forcing him to go to school."

They both look at me shocked.

"Oh come on it's not that surprising." I tell them.

"How is it not surprising? You've never really cared about school. You're lucky your dad scares the teachers so they give you good grades." Mason says.

"Yea but what about Shawn?"

"I'm sure his dad does the same thing." Ryan says.

"Especially since his dad is the scariest person in this town." Mason adds.

"And you know that. What's the real reason you care for him going to school?" Ryan asks.

"Colleges from out of state don't know his dad. His dad won't always be there." I say.

"Does he know?" Ryan asks.

"Does he know what?"

"Does he know about you taking over for your dad when you graduate?" Mason asks.

I shake my head. They both sigh.

"You have to tell him. It isn't right that you keep this secret from him." Ryan says.

"I know but I don't want him to think that if I stay here, then he has to stay here. I don't want to be the reason that he didn't pursue a better career than a barista or mechanic." I tell them.

They both nod.

"What did you tell him that made him want to leave?" Mason asks.

"I told him that he would go to college and I would go travel the world."

They shake their heads.

"Now he thinks you're gonna leave him." Mason says.

"What? No! I'm not gonna leave him."

"Well, it felt like you were." Shawn said.

I look at the door and see him leaning on the door.

"We're going to go get something from the vending machines. Come on, Mason."

They both walk out and close the door. Shawn comes up to my bed and sits.

"Is that really your plan?" He asks.


"Traveling? I mean, I know you said it before but I thought that now that we were together we were gonna start planning things together."

"No, Umm that was my original plan but things changed."

"What kind of things?"

I sigh.

"After I graduate, my dad wants me to take over the kings."

It's quiet. I tried to look him in the eyes but he was looking down. No words were spoken. After about 6 minutes, he speaks.

"What about Dylan?" He asks.

"Dylan was gonna take over but he said that after I graduate, he was gonna go to Seattle to be with Caroline."

"You don't want me to stay with you?"

I grab his hand and turn his face to look at me.

"Shawn, as much as I want you to stay here and be with me, I can't let you do that. You have a whole future ahead of you. I mean, you could go to music school."

"Music school?" He looks at me curious.

"Yes. Come on, Shawn. Your voice is amazing and your guitar skills are great." I say excitedly.

"That's what you think. I'm not that good." He says as he puts his head down.

"Now you know that's not right. Everyone thinks you're great. Even the 5 million people who watched you." I tell him as I grab my phone and go on YouTube.

"5 million? What do you mean?" He asks me curiously.

I press on the video and show him.

"Remember that day that you let me record you singing?" I ask.

He grabs the phone and watches the video.

"Yea. . ." He says.

"Well. . .I posted it on YouTube." I tell him.

His head shoots up and his eyes go wide.


"Before you get mad at me, look at the views." I tell him.

He looks down at the phone and his eyes go even wider.

"7 million!" He shouts.

"What! It went up from the last time I saw it." I say, surprised and look down at the phone.

I look at him and see him smiling at the phone. It makes me smile.

"You see? Music makes you happy. You have the chance to get out of this town before you get stuck here." I tell him as I grab his hand that's not holding the phone.

He looks up at me and smiles.

You have a chance too. Come with me. Let's get out together." He tells me.

I take the phone out of his hands and look at the video.

"Nah. You got more of a chance of doing better than me." I tell him.

"You're so wrong. You have a voice too. Use it." He says.

I log out of YouTube and put my phone away.

"What about the gang? I can't leave them. They're family." I tell him.

"And we'll completely understand if you don't want to take over." I hear my dad's voice at the door.

We both look as my dad comes up to us.

"Ashley, you have a chance to get out. Don't get stuck like your old man did. Go out there and do something with your life. The both of you." He tells us.

"Are you sure? I mean, Dylan can't take over for you. I can do it if-"

"Sweetie, I still got some fuel in me. Even if I wanted to pass this gang to my blood, I can always just pass it on to Jasper. I just want the best for you." He says.

I nod.

"Anyways, we got food. Come on in everyone!" He shouts.

Everyone comes in and starts passing around the food and talking to each other. Shawn sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. I lay my head on him.

"Alright Shawn. Let's do it." I whisper.

"Do what?" He whispers.

"After we graduate, let's travel together." I tell him.

He smiles widely and hugs me. Tight.

"I would love that." He tells me.

He kisses my forehead. I look around at everyone in here.

I'm so happy I have them in my life. I have a loving father, mother and brother. I have some of the best friends I could ever ask for. Now, sitting next to me, I have the best boyfriend I've ever had. Life could not get any better.


Everything is going on track.

Hope you enjoyed.

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