28 -"Some time together."

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•Shawn's POV•
I run to the door and see that I'm too late. They were gone. I walk back to the living room and see my mom hugging my dad. I feel someone hug me and I look down to see Aaliyah.

"Is Ashley gonna be ok?" She asks.

"I don't know." I respond.

All of a sudden, Dylan, Ryan and Mason rush into the house with guns in their hands.

"Where is she? What did you guys do to her?" Dylan yells.

I push Aaliyah behind me and my dad goes in front of my mom.

"Dylan! Put the guns down. We didn't do anything to Ashley." I tell him.

"Then where is she?" Ryan asks.

"Some guy came in and had my mom at gun point. I think Ashley knew him because she put herself in my mom's position and he took her." I tell them.

"Did you get a name?" Dylan asks.

I try to remember if he ever said a name but he didn't. Then, I remember Ashley say something under her breath when he came in.

"Jack." I say.

I look up at them and see Ryan with wide eyes.

"Are you sure you heard that?" He asks.

I nod my head.

"I heard her say it under her breath when he came in." I say.

Ryan looks over at Mason and they both nodded at each other. Dylan saw their little nod.

"Who is that? Who's Jack?" He asks.

Ryan looks at me before he looks at Dylan.

"Jack is her ex from Seattle. They had a little debacle and left on bad terms." He said.

"Well, what happened?" Dylan asked.

"He. . .he hit her." He says.

Anger is what I felt. I clenched my fists.

"What did you say?" Dylan says angrily.

"Oh no. He hit her but you know how Ashley is. You can't expect to hit her without her hitting you back. He hit her only once and she kicked the crap out of him. That's why they kicked her out of her last school. That's why she came over here." He explains.

I start to relax and unclench my fist.

That's my girl.

"Well, lets go over to the garage. We need to see where he could've taken her. Do you guys have her phone?" Dylan asks.

I go to the dining room and check the seat she was in and the floor. I don't find anything and go back to the living room and shake my head.

"We don't have it." I say.

"You sure?" Ryan asks.

I nod.

"That means she has it. We have to go check if she turned on her tracker. Come on." Ryan says.

They start to head out when I stop Dylan.

"Let me come with you. I want to know she's ok." I say.

He nods. I grab my stuff and say goodbye to everyone before heading out with the guys.

I hope she's ok.

•Ashley's POV•
The whole ride, no words were spoken. After what feels like an hour of driving, we come up to a cabin. He parks the car then gets out and walks to my side. He opens my door and points the gun at me.

"Get out." He orders.

I step out and he closes the door.

"Walk." He orders.

I start walking towards the cabin. I walk up the 3 stairs then open the cabin door.

"Go sit on the couch." He says.

I walk to the couch and sit down. I hear him close the door. Then, I hear some ruffling and steps coming towards me.

"Finally. Some time together." He says as he sits down next to me.

I stay quiet.

"Go on. You can speak." He tells me.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask.

He chuckles.

"You know why. We're meant to be together. You just didn't want to ignore the bad things that came with it." He says.

"Maybe because I don't like getting cheated on." I say.

I feel a sting on my cheek. I cup it and turn back to him.

"You see what happens when you say stupid things. Don't make me do that again." He tells me.

"I guess you don't remember what happened the last time you hit me." I say.

He immediately grabs me by my chin and squishes it together so it looks like I'm puckering my lips and pulls me close to him. With his other hand, he points the gun to my head.

"This time, I brought back up. Now, I'm untouchable." He says.

I spit in his face and he pushes me. I lay on the couch as he cleans his face with his hands. When he's done, he glares at me then launches himself on top of me and starts to choke me.

"Don't be rude now. Or else you'll get punished." He says.

I start to try to take him off me but he just tightens his grip. I start to feel myself slowly drift off. My hands fall to the sides of me. My legs start to slowly give up. I start to see dark spots in the corner of my eyes. All of a sudden, he lets go. I stay there, lifeless. I see his blurry face come close to my ears.

"Next time, I won't let go." He whispers.

He pulls away and walks off. I stay there, staring at the ceiling.

What is going on? When have I ever been afraid of a gun? I was never scared to die.

You were never scared because you had nothing to live for.

What's the difference now?


As realization hits me, I see a shadow above me. It's him. He picks me up and takes me upstairs. He walks into a room and lays me on the bed.

"You need to rest up because in a couple weeks you have a big day." He tells me.

"What's gonna happen?" I manage to spit out.

He just chuckles and leans down to give me a kiss on the forehead. He leaves the room and closes the door.

Oh hell no. That does not sound good. What if he makes me do things I don't want to do. No! I've already been through that. I don't want to go through that again. Where are the guys? They had to have gotten the signal before my phone died. Come on, Dylan. Where are you?

My eyes start to feel heavy and I slowly fall asleep.


I wonder what's gonna happen in a couple weeks?

Hopefully the guys find her before we have to find out.

What do you think she meant when she said she wasn't going through it again?

Hope you enjoyed.

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