3 -"She's just a loner girl looking for some attention."

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•Shawn's POV•
It was the kings tattoo. She's a king.

She put her hair back in it's place and looked back at both of us

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She put her hair back in it's place and looked back at both of us.

"Now do you understand?" She tells us.

I look at Cam and see him as shocked as I am. I mean, our enemy are the kings. They hate us.

"Can you guys back off now?" She asks us.

"No." I tell her.

You would think that the tattoo would scare me off or make me hate her but it just made me more curious. I look over at Cam and he looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Excuse me?" She raises her voice a little.

"I said no. I mean, come on, you can't let this stop you from creating new friends. So what if the kings hate us? Does that mean you should?" I tell her.

"I don't hate people. Hate is a strong word." She says.

I'm about to say something else when the bell rings.

"Well, it was nice sharing secrets. Maybe next time we can have a slumber party and tell each other all the boys we've kissed." She says sarcastically.

Then, she walks out through the back door.

"Dude, if your dad finds out that we even looked at a king, he'll kill us. Let's just drop it." Cam tells me as we walk out of the classroom.

"But that's the thing, I can't. There's something up with her. I just can't figure it out." I tell him.

He stops me in the middle of the hallway.

"Look, as much as you want to figure her out, you have to drop it. We both know how your dad would react if he knew about this." He says.

I sigh and we continue walking to our last class.

~After School~
"Good luck today with Cristina." Cam tells me as we put our stuff away in our lockers.

"I'm gonna need it. I don't even know why she needs the dress." I say.

I close my locker and look at Cam. His face shows me that I'm dead.

"You really didn't hear a single word she said, huh?" He asks me.

I shake my head. He starts laughing as he closes his locker and walks away.

Why is he laughing?

We get outside and Cam's laughter starts to die down. I look at where I'm parked and see Cristina standing in front of my Jeep.

"Come on, Cam. Tell me what it's for." I beg him.

We start walking towards my car.

"Alright. Only because your my best friend. She needs a dress because you guys are gonna go celebrate your 8 month anniversary." He tells me.

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