Love Her Madly

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Alex's POV:

"If you ever do that again, Twister, you're going to be staying at Miles' forever. And trust me, you don't want that" I hissed at my dog, but he only stared at me without a care in the world, with his head tilted to one side. I loved him, he was my pride and joy, but sometimes he was way too dumb for a Rottweiler. Yet, out of all the fucked up situations he had got me through, this one certainly took the prize. I don't think I'd ever met a girl with such an attitude. She was irritating even to my standards. She was hot, though, flaming hot; so I still had to take my chances, right? I don't know why, but I always acted like a complete dick around girls to get them in bed. It just came naturally to me, I had been in many failed relationships already as to keep pulling the romantic kind of guy. I was sick of it, and the only solution I had found was to bring a different girl home every now and then. Lately that was all I seemed to do. That and drinking way too much sometimes. Somehow it always worked, but this lady wasn't having it. Now that I think about it, maybe that was why she was so annoying. Suddenly, my phone rang, and when I reached it and looked at the screen it read Collin. Just what I needed. "Hey, Collin" I said unamused. I started walking towards home with Twister by my side. I was going to need some fresh air if I was about to be hearing my manager rumbling at me for a good couple of minutes.

"Alex, hello. I've been trying to call you all day long, what have you been up to all day?" He didn't sound angry, he was already used to how things usually went. He was probably tired though. Although he hadn't been with us for a very long time, he caught our hang of things pretty easily. The lads and I were actually happy to have him around. Otherwise, I don't think we would have done half of the things we did. He came into our lives in one of our lowest moments. Things in the recording studio for our last album were falling to bits, and the lads and I were getting tired of our ex manager. To make things harder, we were getting bigger recognition in the States, so we needed a great manager to provide us some good quality publicity. Collin fit to perfection. Having been born in LA, he knew the music industry and its people from head to toe. Plus, he was a nice guy when he wasn't mad at us for fucking up. Since then, he had been with us for the past two years and a half.

"You know, just... Twister and I went for a walk"

"Alright, Alex, listen to me" He got dead serious now. I knew what was coming. "I know you might not be going through your best days, but we really need to get a move on here. I need you to write something, man. Whether you want to do it with the monkeys or Miles, I'll leave it up to you. But we need something, Alex, now. It's been too long since your last work, and you know as well as I how this industry works. I don't want to sound dull, you know, but getting something written is going to be the best thing for you. I'm just trying to help you here" I really appreciated Collin. He was patient, particularly with me; but right now I didn't feel like listening to his everyday rant. Yes, he was right about it, anyway. It had been almost two years since Suck It And See first came out, and I hadn't come up with anything for the monkeys. We would occasionally give a couple of shows or interviews, maybe show up at some random event too, but I hated those. And don't even get me started on the puppets. I really missed jamming with Miles, but those times felt kind of lost. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to do anything lately, which was causing me way too many problems. But, as always, I would just ignore it and leave them for tomorrow, hoping they would magically disappear.

"Yeah, I know. I just need more time"

"Alex, you've been telling me this for months now. We're running out of it. There are people out there that want to hear something from you"

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