First Impressions

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Maia's POV:

The sun was setting outside Alex's car window, and I was trying hard not to bite my nails out of nervousness. We were getting closer to Alex's parents' house by the minute, and I couldn't help but let my despair eat me away, focusing on making a good impression. What was worse, was that I didn't want to appear as fake, but I knew I was going to have to control myself a bit; sometimes I would get too carried away and my Argentinian bad habits would not be very appreciated inside the UK. To start with, remember not to swear like a sailor, Maia. Besides, for what must have been the first time ever in my life, I was arriving early to a place.

"You can stop worrying now, darling" Alex muttered, and even though he had his eyes glued on the road when I turned to see him, I could notice his lips twitched into a smile.

"I can't help it"

"It's going to be ok" Alex said, placing his hand on my thigh. "They're not going to judge you, Mai, they just want to meet you"

"I know" I answered. "But I want them to like me as well"

"They will, what's not to like about you?" He winked at me.

"I have a very long list of my flaws" He huffed.

"Stop saying nonsense, Mai" He added. "You're beautiful, interesting, and a wonderful girl, that's all you need to be. And I love you, ok? What they might think about you it's not going to change my mind" I looked at him, wanting to believe him, but I was dying inside. "Get that worried pout off your face, pretty lips" He chuckled. "You're going to be alright. Try to think that if I ever meet your brothers, I'll be literally fearing for my life. You can't be feeling worse than that" I laughed, knowing that it was partially true. Yet, when Alex announced we had arrived and parked the car just in front the porch of a cozy looking house, I couldn't help but feel the air getting caught in my lungs. We got out of the car and walked towards the door, each step feeling like I was getting closer to my death sentence. We got up a few steps and Alex rang the doorbell, just as I felt my heart beating inside me like a drum. Alex seemed to notice me on the verge of freaking out, because he got to kiss me on my forehead before a warm looking lady opened the door for us, smiling brightly when her eyes fell on him. "Hey, Mum" Alex greeted.

"Darling!" The lady cheerfully exclaimed, widely opening her arms and getting Alex into a warm hug. "I'm glad you're getting used to coming home more often" She smiled, and I felt my heart melting when I heard her comment. I could feel so identified with her, there's nothing like missing someone you love for so long, and then, when you finally see them again, there's no bigger joy.

"I wouldn't get so used to it, Mum" Alex said, a hint of sadness in his voice. "You know how this is like"

"Yes... I know, darling" Alex's mom let her head down, and I couldn't help but feel so bad for her. She must have missed him every single day since he moved out from his old house, just like I missed my family.

"Anyways, Mum, enough of that" Alex sternly stated. "There's someone I want you to meet" He took me from my waist, and I gave a step forward. "Mum, this is Maia, my girlfriend. Mai, this is my Mum, Penny" Alex must have sensed I had almost stopped breathing, for he started drawing soothing circled patterns against my back.

"Oh, hello, darling" Penny shot me a welcoming smile. "It's nice to finally be meeting you"

"I'm glad as well" I replied, trying to sound as calmed as possible, although I could feel a light shaking in my voice. I was trying hard not to fuck up, but of course, I just couldn't help but do so. After greeting Penny, I leaned forwards to kiss her on the cheek, like I would often do back at home, but she quickly backed away with a confused look on her face. Thankfully, Alex was there to save my ass.

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