Competition Day

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Alex's POV:

Things seemed to have gone back to normal. There wasn't a night in which Maia and I wouldn't talk over the phone for hours, which was weird considering all the time we had let pass us by, but it appeared to have no importance, because we would spend our night laughing away together over the phone, and it felt right. I hadn't bothered her with seeing each other, the competition was eating her head away, and I needed to say so many things to her, that if we went out for coffee or something, I was probably going to overwhelm her. I was still satisfied with the fact that we were talking again, and that it wouldn't be long until I could have her in my arms like I once had. Maybe I was being way too confident, but I felt so full of hope, that nothing could bring me down.

Days went by, and with every one of them that finished, my impatience for Tuesday to finally arrive grew bigger. I was so anxious for it, that it still had me walking around my apartment at eleven o'clock in the night on Monday, when I was supposed to be sleeping. Twister was watching me from a corner, his head tilted to the side and his tongue sticking out. All of a sudden, we were both surprised by my doorbell ringing. There was nobody I was expecting, least of all at this time of the day, and Twister hurriedly made his way towards the door, barking with rage.

"Stella?" I asked perplexed once I saw her behind the door.

"Hello, Alexander" She coldly replied, and I had a feeling that something wrong had happened. Truth is, Stella was a girl I'd started going out with a couple of days after Maia and I had fought. She didn't have much to her, she was more of the same, American model on the rise and the like, but I needed someone to make me forget about Maia, although that never worked out.

"Uhh... is everything alright?" I asked, fearing what she might answer back.

"Bad would be an understatement" She spat, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Stella, why are you here? Did something happen?"

"I can't believe you forgot" I thought for a minute, trying to remember what she could possibly be talking about, but came out with nothing. "The date, Alex!" She yelled, throwing her arms in the air. Fuck, I had actually forgotten.

"Oh" Was all I could say. I had actually asked her out for today, but I'd never imagined Maia would appear in my life again, and ever since she had, all I could focus myself on was her.

"Is that all you've got to say for yourself? Maybe try apologizing?"

"Stella, I'm sorry. I've been really busy lately, that's all" I sighed, taking a hand to my forehead.

"I can't believe it, Alex. Seriously?"

"Stelle, listen, I've got to be up early tomorrow, I promise I'll repay you" Bullshit. Now that Maia was back in my life, I was never planning on seeing Stella again, but I still had to get rid of her. I could sound mean, but to be honest, I'd never taken things with her seriously, I just needed someone to fill in the space Maia had left in me, even when I knew nobody would replace her.

"Yes, and you'll do it now" Stella demanded.


"I stayed at the restaurant waiting for you to show up for two hours, Alex!" Ouch, my bad. Just when I thought I couldn't be more of a mess. "So you're going to let me sleep here and we'll go out somewhere tomorrow"

"What?" I repeated. Was she inviting herself home? "Stella, I can't right now. There's somewhere I've got to be at tomorrow"

"Well, you can just take me with you, then. I'm not going home alone in the middle of the night, I didn't bring my car!"

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