The Jungle

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Alex's POV:

As Maia dragged me among the sea of sweaty bodies, I couldn't help but keep playing in my mind the images of her lips on mine. I actually thought she wasn't going to go for it, that she was going to reject me and slap me right on my face. Turns out she didn't, and so I was following around the place like an idiot. Yet, it was the only thing that I wanted to do, I just wanted to be close to her.

"I can't see them!" Maia yelled. We had been looking for Miles and Bella, but there was no signs of them.

"Forget about them, Mai" I said into her ear. "They're probably off snogging each other. Let's just dance on our own" I whispered seductively on her shoulder. She placed her hands on top of mine, which were firmly taking her by her waist. I saw her biting her lip, smiling lightly, then turning her head to my side.

"You're stepping into dangerous terrain, Turner" She warned, but there was nothing more exciting than getting in trouble with this girl.

"Try me, then" She spun to face me, breaking free from my hold on her. She was about to answer something, but stopped herself when she heard a new song being played. She looked up and then to her sides, a big smile already forming on her lips. "I'm guessing you love this song, too" She locked her eyes on me, her seductive grin luring me in. I was about to take her hand in mine again, but she started stepping back before I could. I watched her suspiciously, wondering what she was trying to do, but suddenly realized she was backing away to have enough space to dance. This girl was going to kill me someday.

The song beat was different, way different from what I was used to, but Maia caught the hang of it immediately. Again, it was something in Spanish, and I wasn't getting anything of what the singer was saying. It was probably something about a safari or a party, which were one of the only words I was able to pick out from the lyrics. It still had something addictive to it, I couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly, but it just kind of invited you to dance along with it. Still, not even the song could take my focus off Maia and her luscious body.

Her hips were swaying to the song, without missing a beat. I just stood there, paralyzed in my spot, unable to take my eyes off her. I probably looked like an idiot, and suddenly Miles came to my head whispering "Quit staring, mate!" But I couldn't. She was everywhere around the place, going up and down, spinning, trailing her prominent curves with her hands until she finally let them hang in the air. Her smile had become permanent, and she had her eyes closed, letting go completely. When she finally opened them, she looked at me just standing there like a wanker, and she slowly started making her way towards me. I watched as she strutted closer, feeling myself tense up, which, to my surprise, was something I had never experienced before with a girl.

"Are you going to just stand there like a fool or are you going to dance with me?" She asked, placing her arms on my shoulders and joining them at the back of my neck.

"I'm afraid I'll just make you look really bad dancing with you" She laughed.

"Who cares?" She was right. Who the fuck cared?

I looked down to her big lips, trying to get a kiss from them again, but she was quick to turn around and start grinding herself against me, maliciously moving along to the music. She then faced me again, placing one of her delicate hands on my chest, and slowly making her way around me. I looked to my side to follow her, then to the other as she appeared on it, her hand dragging my shirt as she moved in different directions. When we were face to face again, she devilishly started making her way down on me, gripping at my clothes. Fuck, I wasn't ready for this. There was no way I was going to be able to keep my sanity if this girl was dancing all around me like this. I firmly took a hold of her waist again, turning her around and sticking my chest to her back.

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