Twister's Good Job

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Alex's POV:

I couldn't believe the actual Maia Cambiasso was standing right there in front of me. A long time had passed without seeing or hearing from her, and I'd found myself mourning for it during these last days, as I would always do whenever I met a new girl. This time though, it had been way worse. For some reason, Maia'd had a huge impact on me, and what was worse, we'd barely got to be anything meaningful at all.

"Uhh..." Matt stuttered, his head wildly turning from Maia to me, pointing at us with his finger. "Oh!" He exclaimed in excitement, covering his mouth with his hands. "She's the Maia!" I glared at him, he wasn't being any help at all, and the last thing I needed was Matt embarrassing me in front of Maia. "Maia, the vet!"

"Matt, I think Jamie was calling for you" I hissed at him, but he chose to ignore me.

"So, you're Maia!" Matt repeated, smiling brightly.

"Uhh... yeah, do I know you?" Maia asked confused.

"Oh, no, no. But I do know a shitload about you, Alex wouldn't shut up about you ever since-"

"Matt!" I yelled. "Jamie's calling for you" Matt looked at me perplexed, but soon caught the hint.

"Oh, yeah" He chuckled. "Right, I'll leave you two love birds alone. It was very nice to finally meet you, Maia" I was definitely going to kill Matt after this.

"Uhh, same, I guess" Maia said.

"I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other from now on" Matt grinned, patting my shoulder. "I'll catch you later, mate" He exclaimed and left. The silence between Maia and I was unbearable, but I couldn't bring myself to speak, and she looked like she was having the same problem. The only thing I could do was staring at her, how her white clothes defined her curvy body, that body that I'd once had. God, she looked insanely hotter than how I remembered her. Her top left a lot of skin to show, and I had to control my desire to take her from her hips and pull her towards me. Maia must have sensed my eyes fixated on her, for she shifted uncomfortably on her spot, covering her chest with her arms. Again, as I'd always had to do whenever I was around her, I made an inhuman effort not to steal a glance at her now more prominent cleavage. I seriously needed to find a solution to my staring problem urgently.

"Uhm... are you cold?" I asked, being that the best thing I could think to break the ice. "I haven't got any jacket with me, but I can just ask one of the guys if they-"

"No, no. I'm fine, thanks" She firmly answered.

"Right" I took a hand to the back of my neck, trying to find something to stop with this awkwardness. "I'm sorry about Matt, he's... hyperactive" I lied.

"Oh, it's ok" Silence fell upon us again.

"How have you been, Mai?" I couldn't hold it in anymore. I hated that question, it was never a good sign, but the truth was that there wasn't a day in which I wouldn't think what she might be up to. Riding horses, working, studying, walking Diesel... I just missed her and all her little things.

"Oh, I'm great. You know, same old... horses... you know, animals"

"Yeah, I imagine"

"Oh, Zodiac's doing a lot better!" She squealed. "I've been slowly getting him back to work over these last two weeks, and Highlander has finally learned not to rush into the jumps" She happily said, and I couldn't help myself but smile, horses just hyped her up. Yet, she seemed to remember that the conversation wasn't supposed to be about her horses, and then the previous awkwardness returned. "Uhm... but you don't care about that, sorry"

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