The Best Surprises

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Maia's POV:

As Alex helped me walk up to his car, and out of the hospital, I couldn't keep my smile off my face. It had been so long since I'd been somewhere that wasn't that place, and I was ecstatic to be outside and breathe in the fresh air, feel the sun kissing my skin, and hear the city's sounds.

"You look like you're about to burst out of happiness" Alex laughed by my side.

"I probably will!" I squealed, holding on to his arm, avoiding to move my broken arm that much. The plaster was annoying the fuck out of me, but I knew I should consider myself lucky to only have that as a consequence after my accident.

"I suppose there's no need to ask where you want to head first, now that you're out of hospital" Alex said while he opened the door of his car for me.

"You know where to take me, teddy boy" I giggled. He had promised me he would take me to Writtle to see my horses as soon as I was permitted to leave the hospital, and as long as I was physically stable to go and was out of risks.

"Promise you'll behave, you know you're not allowed to ride yet" I rolled my eyes at Alex, who was starting the car. I couldn't wait to get my ass on the saddle again.

"I know, Al" I complained in annoyance, but he only chuckled. Alex would gently lay his hand on my thigh every now and then during the trip to Writtle, and when I first spotted its huge barn doors, I nearly jumped out of my seat in anxiety. "Oh, my God! I'm so excited, Al!" I squeaked.

"You just wait and see what's waiting for you in there" Alex laughed.

"What?" I turned to look at him surprised, but he was already exiting the car and making his way to open the door for me.

"Come on, pretty lips, you don't want to be late for this now, don't you?" He joked, offering his hand for me.

"I think this is the only place I'll ever arrive on time to" I declared, taking his hand and letting him take me towards the stables. I loudly gasped when I saw my three horses peacefully resting in their stalls, especially Zodiac, who appeared to be doing better than ever.

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