Starting the Plans

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Alex's POV:

"So when did proposing to Maia actually crossed your mind?" Miles asked, leaning down to have a closer look at the rings inside the glass boxes holding them in.

"Last week, when we went to Argentina" I simply answered.

"Whoa, I never thought that the girl that would get you that good actually existed" Nick commented.

"She's special" I added, looking all around the shop in defeat. I had asked the lads to help me out and find the perfect engagement ring for Maia, but this search was going nowhere, and it was dragging me down. The boys barely knew what Maia would like, and they were more interested in mocking me rather than helping me out, whilst I still couldn't find a ring that she would love.

"Do you think this one will do?" Matt questioned, tapping the glass showcase with the tip of his finger, where a very eccentric ring was in exhibition.

"Do you even know Maia, mate?" I spat, walking to his side and furrowing my brows at the ring. "That's way too much, she's going to hate it" It was a big ass ring, with sparkles and diamonds everywhere, and it had a heart shaped on the top of it... a girl like Maia would never like something as corny and excessive as that.

"I don't know" Matt shrugged. "Girls like expensive shit, they go nuts over these wedding things. Like, if it's not the best there is, it's never enough" He complained.

"Maia's not like that" I retorted. "She's different"

"Well, fuck, someone's in love" Jamie mumbled.

"Well, yeah, don't you love your wife?" I inquired, folding my arms over my chest.

"Of course I do" Jamie replied. "I just never thought you would" He kept on, making everyone else laugh at me while I rolled my eyes. Fuckers were having the time of their lives here, while I was running out of patience.

"Just tell us what you think she might like, mate" Miles suggested.

"Something simple but not that simple" I stated.

"Well, that wasn't any help at all" Nick blurted out, resting his hands on his waist.

"It still has got to be pretty, real pretty" I continued. "Like, refined and everything, but it doesn't have to cross that line of way too much. It doesn't have to look like that kind of ring that says, hey, I bought the first one that I crossed ways with, but it also doesn't have to look like the most expensive one of the store because, apparently, girls like that kind of shit. It's got to be something in the middle, something that shows her I took so much time into thinking what she would like the most out of all of this. Something that shows her how much I care about this"

"Well, this is certainly taking time, if that makes you feel any better" Matt exclaimed, just as I heaved in a tired sigh.

"Come on, guys" I insisted. "You know Maia, you've got to know what she could possibly like"

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