We Need To Talk

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Maia's POV:

The next day, Alex drove me off to work, as per usual, and during the whole ride there, we'd been talking as if nothing bad had ever happened between us someday. Strangely, it seemed like that whole year we spent away from each other was unreal, and we were still the couple we used to be, still soul mates. I can say I wasn't surprised when I received a text message from his part before I left the barn, asking if we could see each other again. Of course, I'd accepted, I could no longer deny myself to Alex, it was like fighting against something much stronger than me, something that would always win over myself.

"Hey" I faintly smiled when I saw Alex standing on my doorway.

"Hey" He replied. I moved aside and motioned for him to come into my apartment. He stepped inside and just stood there, watching everything around him. Why was he being so silent all of a sudden? He had always been so unpredictable, it would drive me mad. This morning, we'd looked like a married couple that had been together for years, now, there was this uncomfortable silence between us, proper of a very first date.

"Uhm, dinner should be ready in about five minutes" I said, closing the door.

"I hope your food is not going to poison me, I don't trust your cooking skills"

"Oh, shut up" I chuckled, but then Alex caught me off guard and smashed his lips to mine. He could be such an intense man, sometimes. When we pulled away, he fixed his eyes on mine, biting his lower lip.

"Can't help it" He muttered, looking away and heaving in a sigh. "But you know we need to talk, right?" He had grown dead serious, but I completely understood why. We had to talk... urgently.

"Yeah" I nodded. "Let me just finish cooking and we'll talk, yeah?"

"Sure" He agreed, following behind me to the kitchen. He helped me set up the table, and when the food was finally ready, we both sat down and started eating.

"So..." I trailed off, breaking the silence. "I'm guessing you must have a million questions running through your mind about me and everything that's going on, so just get it out of your chest already" Alex looked at me longingly, setting his fork down on his plate, but before he could speak, Bandit jumped right on the table. "Bandit! Get down!" I scolded him, but his eyes were fixed on my dish. "Bandit!" I repeated. "This is my final warning, you hear me? Look at me" I demanded, and when he glanced up to me, we locked our gazes, not breaking eye contact for a single second. "Down" I ordered, pointing with my finger to the ground, and after a moment, Bandit obeyed, but not without a complaining meow first. "Good kitty" I cooed.

"Wow" Alex exclaimed. "That's some discipline you've got there, child" I smiled at him. "Anyways" He cleared his throat. "What's for us in the future, Mai?"

"I..." I doubted. I wanted so many things with him in the future, but it was just so complicated.

"You said that if I told you I wanted you back, I'd have it. Well, I want you back, Maia" My heart was pounding hard against my chest, and I had stopped eating long ago. Alex abruptly leaned over the table, making me shot my gaze up to meet his. "Maia" He whispered, and just like everytime I would hear him calling me like that, I would melt right away. "Do you want me back as well?" His puppy eyes were irresistible, and to be honest, I wanted nothing more than him and just him, but there were so many things I still needed to fix before giving in to him completely. I slowly nodded my head at him, because there was no way I could lie about it, anyways. I wanted him, I wanted him so bad. "Then let's just cut it out with all this bullshit already, and let's actually make our relationship work, Maia" He established, taking my hand in his.

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