Make It Real

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Alex's POV:

"You've got some attitude, girl!" Miles yelled as Maia strutted her way towards us. She flashed us one big smile as she sat next to Bella.

"You've never told us you could sing like that!" Bella exclaimed.

"Oh, I just don't do it very often" Maia said.

"I told you that you should get back to it" I chimed in.

"Yeah, I don't know, I'm too busy for it. But I guess it would be no harm to do it every now and then"

"Is there anything you can't do?" Miles asked.

"Well, I definitely can't cook properly" Maia answered. We all laughed about it and kept talking as the night dragged on.

"Come on, Mai, let's go to the bar to get some drinks" Bella said standing up, Maia following behind her. Miles and I kept chatting as they walked away. From the distance, I could see Maia standing by the bar, and I would steal a glance at her every time I could. Suddenly, I noticed she was no longer alone. Zac, one of my mates that had played with her on stage, was talking her up. I felt envy climbing up my body, and I held my beer tighter to release some tension.

"I'm going to kill Zac" I muttered.

"What? Why?" Miles asked confused. I had probably interrupted him mid-sentence, but the truth is I had stopped listening to him when I saw Zac approaching Maia. Miles turned to look where my eyes were leading, immediately facing me again. "I thought you hated her guts, mate"

"Yeah, well, I've changed my mind about her" I said taking a sip from my beer.

"Alex, she's got a boyfriend" Miles sternly stated.

"Not anymore. He broke up with her today"

"What?!" Miles' eyes opened up, glancing at Maia again. "Mate, don't. She's just got out of a relationship, you can't do that to her"

"Look who's talking! You were absolutely determined on hooking me up with her a couple of days ago!"

"Yeah, that was before I even knew she had a boyfriend"

"Well, she hasn't got one anymore"

"Alex" Miles firmly said. "You can't be fooling every girl that crosses your way just because you're mad that Arielle broke up with you" I gave him a death glare, mainly because I knew he was right, but I hated to hear it out loud. I just felt pity for myself. "You started seeing Arielle wanting to just fuck her and then you ended up all tangled up with her, and look how it's got you now! You need to stop doing that to yourself, Al. Besides, I'm pretty sure Maia doesn't feel like messing around with a world famous front man after having ended a relationship a couple of hours ago" As Miles kept rambling on, the only thing my eyes could focus on was Zac slowly getting closer to Maia. She didn't look very interested, though, for she was consistent on keeping a safe distance from him.

"I want her, Miles" I bluntly confessed.

"You aren't listening to anything I'm saying, aren't you?" Miles said in utter surrender. I was listening to him actually, and he was saying nothing but the truth, but whenever I got my mind on something, I was determined to have it. "Alex, what do you want?"

"I don't know, but I definitely don't want any guy getting close to her"

"She's not yours, Alex"

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