Out in the Fields

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Maia's POV

"Alex" I muttered sleepily, once we were done chasing each other around the field. We were out of breath, so we'd decided to lay down on the grass next to each other, with the sky displaying a star illumination show above us.

"Yes, Maia?" He answered back.

"I've never actually heard you sing" It was a fact. I had only listened to him singing to Smooth, and he wasn't even taking it seriously that night. Considering that he was, apparently, a world known musician, I'd yet never put myself to investigate on his music, so I had no clues as regards how he sounded like.

"Yes, you have, Mai"

"Come on, singing to Smooth in a karaoke night while you're a little tipsy doesn't count" Alex chuckled.

"Hey, that was a very well performed cover"

"I want to listen to the Alex Turner, the one that plays at sold out stadiums, and I want to know how your songs sound like. You've seen me riding countless times now, I want to hear you singing. It's only fair. You're not going to tell me you're shy, aren't you?" Alex burst into a fit of laughter, but moved a little farther from me to be able to reach for his phone in his pocket. "Oh, you're not going to put one of your songs from Youtube, that's cheating!"

"Shhh" He shushed me, placing his index finger on my lips. "I'm just searching for the instruments' part only"

"Ohh, so you're going to put on a whole show for just me, then. I'll take it, I feel special now"

"You are, Mai" He said, smiling into his phone. Although I was taken aback by his comment, not really knowing if he meant it or if he was only trying to be nice, he pressed the play button, music suddenly filling the air between us. It sounded melancholic, almost nostalgic. It was something slow but captivating, and I had no doubts that I was going to be in for some decent poetry tonight.

"I'm not the kind of fool who's gonna sit and sing to you about stars, girl" Alex's voice invaded my senses, and I soon found myself smiling, unconsciously resting my head on his chest, feeling it go up and down as he breathed. He sounded so pacific, melodic, and harmonious, that I felt like shit for not having brought myself to listen to one of his songs before. His voice was deep and soothing, and I had to admit that he had talent. I closed my eyes, letting myself drift off with the sound of his voice, and suddenly found myself singing the chorus along with him. Somehow, I'd managed to retain the lyrics of it with just Alex mentioning them once.

"And I spent all night stuck on the puzzle" I joined in. I felt Alex smiling beneath me, and I couldn't help but release a light chuckle too. The night was silent, except for our muffled voices and the crickets. The grass under us was beginning to get cold, along with a swift evening breeze, but next to Alex, I felt warmer than ever.

"I'm guessing you liked it" He stated once he was done.

"Dude, what does a girl have to do to get tickets for your concerts?"

"For you? The front man's favorite groupie? You're getting some free first row tickets and backstage passes"

"Hey!" I complained, softly punching him on his arm. "Anyways, I thought that was beautiful. I'm not lying, Al, you know I'm deadly honest"

"Yeah, I've seen that. You've never had a problem in telling me you hated me" I laughed, suddenly remembering that, not so long ago, I couldn't even stand the look of his face. Yet, here I was now, having the time of my life next to him.

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