The First Day Of Spring

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Author's Note:

Hey, guys! I just wanted to clarify that I'll be writing the conversations between Maia and her brothers in English, so you can read it more easily and fluently without the need to translate it. So, let's just imagine they're talking in their native language, anyways! :D Cheers! 

Maia's POV:

I impatiently waited for my brother to pick up my call, fastly tapping my fingers against my desktop. The sound of Skype's ringing phone was sickening me, and my heart pounded hard against my chest. I didn't know in which mood my brother was going to be, but I was hoping he was going to let me explain, although given that I had basically left him hanging the last time we'd talked, that was very unlikely.

"Look who decided to show up" Marco bitterly greeted. Yup, definitely not in a good mood. Yet, I couldn't help but feel a sudden warmth invading my body as I heard his familiar voice again, reminding me of home.

"Hey, little brother!" I cheerfully answered, trying to lighten up the tension.

"don't pull that on me, Maia" He sternly stated. Even though his image in my laptop looked a bit blurry, I could still see his angry frown as he scolded me. "What the fuck is going on with you? What are you up to? What were you doing in that magazine cover and who the actual fuck is that guy next to you?"

"Whoa, easy there" I stopped him. "One question at a time, please"

"Maia, I want answers" He firmly requested.

"Alright, alright, got it. Please, Marco, please let me explain, ok?" I pleaded.

"Go ahead" He ordered, and I saw him laying back on his chair and folding his arms.

"Ok, so... you remember James, right?"

"Yeah, your three year boyfriend we've never met?" He spat.

"Exactly, that guy"

"Why haven't we met him yet?" Marco interrupted.

"Mar, oh, my God, don't rush me. First of all, you've never met him because you guys are so fucking intimidating that I didn't want to put James through that. Secondly, James and I broke up a couple of months ago"

"You what?!" He exclaimed surprised, his eyeballs growing big.

"James broke up with me a long time ago, Marc" I muttered.

"Wait, are you talking about that James that you wouldn't stop sending pictures of to us? The one you wouldn't stop talking about? The one you used to say was the man of your life and you were-"

"Yes, Marco, that James!" I cut him off annoyed. I didn't feel like recalling my whole relationship with James, it just wasn't fair for Alex. Yes, James had been an important person in my life. And I thought he was going to remain by my side forever, but turns out life is like a rollercoaster, and to be honest, I liked it much more now than how it was before. "Let's not talk about him, ok?"

"I'm going to kill him" He hissed.

"Yeah, sure you will, Jack, the ripper" I ironically dismissed him. "Can I keep going now?"

"Wait, are you alright, Mai?" He questioned, and I knew what he was going to say next. "Maybe you should come back here for a visit, ask your boss if he-"

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