Chapter 1: Adoption Day

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Hi my name is Ivy and I'm 13 years old. I have been in this adoption center since I was a baby. I have been in and out of foster care for a while. It is just another one of those days, up all alone in my room. Doing nothing but looking through Instagram and listening to music. I don't absolutely hate it here but things could be better.

All of a sudden my roommate runs into the room, grabbing clothes from her closet and running into the bathroom. She comes out 10 minutes later and says "A family is here to adopt! Come on Ivy!" I groan and get out of bed and walk downstairs. I'm wearing black skinny jeans, black ripped up tank top and black converse. I am not as excited as the others when it's adoption day, I've given up on ever finding a permanent family. My chances are slim, but there is still a chance.

A while later a couple guys come around the corner. I study them closer and see that it's Palaye Royale. Holy fucking shit. Well then, miracles do happen and it's happening now. I am absolutely confused to why they are adopting a child but I mean, whatever who am I to judge my idols and their lives.

Im looking through Twitter while I wait. Suddenly someone taps my shoulder. I look up to see Sebastian smiling down at me. My heart stops and my body goes cold. "Hi there, what's your name?" He asks still smiling.

"Ivy..." I answer, putting my phone down, giving him my full attention for a good first impression.

"What a beautiful name, how are you?" I'm shaking, terrified but overjoyed at this point

"Im great, how are you?" I answer I'm good, that sucks that you aren't doing so well.

"I'm doing pretty good, came in today to adopt a kid, my girlfriend and I have decided that we wanted to start a family" he blushes, rambling on about his girlfriend.

Emerson walks over looking behind him pretty disgusted. "Sebastian help, all the girls in here are like scary and weird" he says to Sebastian. I would be scared too.

Emerson looks at me and smiles. "Hi there, what's your name?" He asks bending down to my height.

"Ivy" I shake his hand, still shaky.

"That's a very nice name, I'm Emerson" he smiles, still shaking my hand.

I smile a little and nod. Remington walks over and smiles "Heyyyyy Sebastian okay I like her too let's go I don't wanna be here much longer come on"

"Well Ivy, any hobbies?" Sebastian asks me, sending Emerson to go speak to one of the employees

"I like drawing, playing music, singing" I answer trying to avoid their eyes.

"That's fun, How old are You?"

"I'm 13" He nods and looks at the guys. "We will be back in one minute Ivy" they walk over to a clear spot to talk.

A minute or two later they walk back over. They smile at each other and back to me. "Well Ivy- or should I say Ivy Amore Kropp, go pack your stuff up because you are now a apart of the Kropp family!" Emerson says while clapping his hands. This is probably, definitely the best day ever. I smile and hug them. They hug me back and I run upstairs. I grab my suitcase and start packing everything up. I grab my bags, guitar case and drum sticks and run back down stairs. I sign a paper and the care taker looks down at me. "Now I must warn you that.." she says looking up at them

"I think we will take her thank you. We walk to the door, I turn around and scream "Fuck you bitches! Except you Macy, you good" I smile and walk out of the door. The boys laugh and we get in the car. Remington is driving, Emerson is in the back with me and Sebastian is up front.

We pull up to a decent two story house. We get out and I grab all my bags. We walk to the front door and wait as Sebastian pulls the keys out. He unlocks the and smiles at me, he opens the door "Welcome home Ivy!" He yells as he walks through, the boys and I following behind. 

Wow. It's an actual house. My eyes open wide "Wow" I say to myself. "

Well let's go take you to your room" Emerson says walking up stairs. I follow behind with the boys behind me. We walk past some rooms, most likely their rooms. Emerson goes to the end of the hall and opens up a door. We walk inside the decently sized room. White walls, a bed with black bed sheets, a desk against the wall, a nightstand next to my bed, fairy lights above the head board. I had my own bathroom and everything.

I smile and hug them. "Thank you so much, I love it"I say to them.

"Of course, we are glad you love it, it's not much but you can decorate it however you want" Sebastian gazes at the somewhat empty room.

"Thank you so much, this is the best day ever" I say with tears in my eyes.

Sebastian holds me tightly and smiles. "We will leave you be so you can unpack, call us up if you need help" Emerson says and they leave. I lay stuff on my bed and start pulling my shirts out and putting them on hangers.

About 40 minutes later I have my clothes away. Sebastian walks in room "All good in here?" He asks looking around. "Yeah I just got done putting my clothes away..." I answer. He smiles and nods. He gives a hug and I hug him back. "Hello Ivy Kropp"

After he leaves again, I run and jump onto my bed, falling back against the soft comforters. I'm not sure what may happen or where this family is on the level of sanity but I know that I'm here and I'm loved. After so long of hoping for a place to be, to spend holidays, to share adventures and I'm finally here.

Adopted By Palaye Royale Where stories live. Discover now