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Jimin wandered into Yoongi's room, wondering why his hyung wasn't answering his yells. The twelve year old gasped when he saw his hyung lying face first on the floor, and rushed to his side.

"Yoongi hyung! Are you okay? Hyung!" Jimin said in a panicked voice, flipping Yoongi around and shaking him.

Yoongi murmured softly but didn't open his eyes. Jimin sighed in relief, the scary what-ifs flowing out of his mind.

"Hyung, are you tired? Get up, get on the bed," Jimin said, quieter, trying to pick up his seventeen year old brother, who played basketball and definitely had muscles. Muscles that made the strong Jimin struggle in picking him up. 

Jimin grunted under the weight of Yoongi, not even fully lifting him off the floor. He gently put Yoongi back down, ready to call for his appa, when Yoongi opened his eyes and looked around, confused.

"Oh, hyung, you're okay. I was going to get appa," Jimin said, letting go of Yoongi.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked, then a flicker of memory crossed his face and he tensed. Jimin panicked again.

"Hyung, are you okay, should I get appa?" he said, pulling at his blonde locks.

Yoongi shook his head quickly, forcing a laugh.

"No, Jiminie, it's okay, don't get appa. I'm fine, just tired, that's all. Hey little dude, thanks for trying to get me to my bed!" Yoongi said, sitting up and hugging Jimin. Jimin melted into the hug. "Here," Yoongi said, pulling away and grabbing a lollipop from his desk. Jimin excitedly took it, eyes lighting up. Yoongi smiled. "You can go now, Jiminie, go outside and play. Wait, aren't Taehyung and Jungkook picking you up for the movie tonight?" Since it was summer, Jimin and his friends were going out a lot.

Jimin jumped up.

"Omg, yeah, they are! I totally forgot, thanks hyung! Are you going to be okay?" Jimin said, already at the door. Yoongi nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks Jiminie! Have fun!" he said, waving to his little brother. Jimin grinned at sprinted to his room to get ready.

Yoongi groaned and forced himself to get up and go to his bed, where he flopped down. As soon as Jimin left, he let go of the forced smile.

Jung Hoseok?

Yoongi tried to fall asleep, wanting to escape the pain and deal with it later, but blissful oblivion wouldn't come. He took out his phone and texted Namjoon, his hands fumbling as his vision blurred with burning tears again. He quickly blinked them away, not letting any fall. He scolded himself. What kind of 17 year old boy cried? 

Yoongs: hey

Namjoonie: yeah

Namjoonie: wait what was the new guy's name?

Yoongi paused, his thumb hovering over the screen, deciding.

Namjoonie: hello?

Namjoonie: u read that, i can see

Yoongi sighed.

Yoongs: idk

Yoongs: i didn't ask Jimin yet, he's going with Tae and Kookie for movies

Namjoonie: aw man 

Namjoonie: it's okie, wanna come over and hang out with me and jin?

Yoongi paused. He didn't want to deal with other people right now, and memories were threatening to come back.

Yoongs: sorry man, not now

Yoongs: i'm rlly tired, maybe another time?

Namjoonie: ok, np

Namjoonie: hyung

Yoongs: ?

Namjoonie: have u took ur pills today

Yoongs: yeah in the morning

Namjoonie: ok, good, just checking

Namjoonie: c u tmrw?

Yoongs: sure, baiii

Yoongi cleared his mind and glanced at the pill bottle on his night stand. Since he got adopted when he was 13, he'd started getting bad headaches when he remembered things, so his parents made him take the pills. Yoongi hadn't actually taken a pill that morning--he hadn't taken one in a week. They took the head pain away and made him happy, and he didn't want to be happy. He thought he deserved to live in pain forever, to remind himself to never hurt anybody ever again. 

He finally fell into a restless, uneasy sleep, falling into a dream he knew well and hated. 


Suga sleeping is so precious and adorableee 

I'm honestly probably going to fangirl at the end of every chapter 


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