New Neighbors

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The door opened. A little boy with blonde hair stood in the doorway.

"Hiii!" he said cheerfully, immediately bending into a bow. Hoseok's parents started praising him. Hoseok caught a flash of mint and looked into the hallway of the house.

A tall, mint-haired boy stood behind the first blonde boy. He looked beautiful. His face was cute. He wore tight acid-washed jeans and a Rolling Stones t-shirt. Hoseok decided that he liked the neighbors.

A nice looking lady rushed into the hallway and scolded the two boys. Hoseok laughed. He could tell the family was close.

The lady invited them in. The little boy started running around excitedly, talking a million miles an hour. He was showing Dawon something.

"Hi! I'm Hoseok!" Hoseok said happily, looking at the mint-haired boy. The boy mumbled something and slowly looked up. When he looked into Hoseok's eyes, Hoseok felt a flash of something. A strange happiness. It felt familiar...

Hoseok saw something deep in those eyes. Love and heartbreak, pain and happiness... memories? He could read people well because he was so social, but this boy could hide his feelings well.

"Um... I didn't catch your name?" Hoseok said, uncertainty filling his voice. Was he being weird?

Dawon hissed something.

"Ah! Uh, sorry..." the boy stammered. He looked at least a year older than Hoseok. Why was he acting so shy? This was his house. I'm... I'm Yoongi."

Hoseok felt the flash of happiness again. He hesitated. It almost felt like he knew Yoongi. Like Yoongi had made him really happy before. But Hoseok couldn't remember anything from before he had just turned thirteen years old. He longed for memories, but they never came. He decided that he was just desperate to remember. After all, how could he possibly know Yoongi?

"Nice to meet you, Yoongi!" Hoseok said cheerfully.

The little boy ran up the Yoongi, tugging on his arm.

"That's Dawon noona," he announced, pulling on Yoongi.

"Um, okayyy, let go of me, Jiminie!" Yoongi protested, pulling his hand back. Hoseok noticed how gentle he was with the boy. It was obvious that he could easily yank his hand away, but he made sure the little boy didn't get hurt. Hoseok really liked this Yoongi. Hoseok laughed when Jimin tried to grab Yoongi again. Yoongi swayed a little and Hoseok's fast reflexes almost shot his hands out to steady the boy, but Yoongi quickly regained his balance.

Hoseok thought things were getting a little weird.

Dawon introduced herself to Yoongi and the blonde boy pulled at Hoseok's hand. Hoseok smiled at the boy.

"Hi! I'm Jimin!" he said.

"Wow, you're such a cool little boy! I'm Hoseok," Hoseok replied, letting Jimin's small hand pull him down the hall.

"Really? I think you're so cool! Your hair is so cool!" Jimin said, showing Hoseok a jigsaw puzzle on the living room floor.

"Thanks! Your hair's even cooler, though. Did you make this puzzle?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah, I did! You think my hair's cool? Wow. My hyung Yoongi's hair is also cool!" Jimin said. Hoseok grinned. Jimin was adorable and energetic.

"Yeah, mint is so cool," he said.

"I'm going to go help my eomma now," Jimin said.

"Okay, what a helpful boy!" Hoseok smiled at Jimin. Jimin walked off into the kitchen, squealing to his mom about Hoseok. Yoongi passed the living room, staring at the floor as he walked.

Hoseok watched him quietly. Was he okay? Why did he look so familiar? Why wasn't he smiling his gummy smile?

Wait, gummy smile?

Hoseok blinked. He could imagine a cute smile on Yoongi's face. He knew what the smile would look like. But how?

He walked over to Dawon, who was looking at the floor, deep in thought.

"Dawon noona," he said. Dawon looked up, surprised.

"Yeah, Hoseokie?" she asked, looking concerned.

"Do I know Yoongi hyung?" Hoseok asked. He was growing more sure that the familiarity wasn't his imagination. The name felt right on his lips, like he'd said it before.

Dawon let out a strangled noise, then cleared her throat.

"Not sure, why?" she asked. Worry flashed through her eyes. Hoseok frowned.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Things were getting really weird.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Does he look... familiar?" Dawon led Hoseok after Jimin, who waved them through a door and into the back yard. It smelled like pine and flowers. The yard was big, with a little cement part and a grass field. Yoongi was setting up folding chairs on the patio.

"I don't know, I just feel like I've seen him before. Maybe at dance?" Hoseok said, watching Yoongi. Jimin bounded up to Yoongi and pointed to a little yellow daffodil. Yoongi smiled at Jimin and Hoseok gasped.

Gummy smile.

"Maybe," Dawon said. Hoseok could tell she was hiding something.

"Dawon noona, you sound like you're not telling me everything."

"Um... look, Hoseokie. You can go talk to Yoongi, okay? Let him explain things if he wants to."

Hoseok shrugged.

"Okay," he said. That meant Dawon knew that Hoseok and Yoongi were connected somehow.

He looked up and caught Yoongi staring at him. Yoongi quickly looked down at his shoes. Hoseok sighed. He felt so close to remembering something, but he felt that he was making Yoongi uncomfortable. He didn't want to push him to talk.

"Let's eat!!!" Jimin called out of nowhere. Hoseok jumped, then laughed.

"Scaredy cat," Dawon teased. Hoseok relaxed and laughed, following Jimin to the neatly set out table. He would find out about Yoongi later. For now, he just wanted to meet his new neighbors. 

oMigoOdnesS jiHoPE: 

Guys if you're not an ARMYYYYYYYYY I'm really sorry for this rambling and stuff 

Sorry not sorry 





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