Sunshine Personality

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"Hoseok," a soft whisper startled Hoseok out of his light sleep. He opened his eyes and yelped. Then he laughed when he recognized his older sister's face.

"Dawon noona! You scared me! Don't get that close to my face!" Hoseok scolded playfully.

Dawon poked his nose and grinned.

"Get up. We finished moving the boxes in," she said, getting up to let him change.

Hoseok's eyes widened.

"You finished without me? You didn't have to, you could have left my boxes for me or something--" Hoseok felt bad.

"Hoseok, shush, you're tired and we can all tell. Now, hurry up and change, eomma and appa said we're meeting a new neighbor for lunch," she said, walking out of the room before Hoseok could protest.

He sighed, muttering to himself.

"I should have gotten up earlier and moved my own boxes..." he sat up on his bed, looking around the room. It had been almost a month since they'd moved in, and there were still boxes everywhere. He liked his room better than his old one.

"Hoseokie, hurry up!" Dawon shouted from her room down the hall.

"Okay, noona!" Hoseok shouted back, getting up and changing. He looked in the mirror that wasn't hung up on the wall yet. His reflection stared back at him, dimples on full display. Hoseok smiled, happy that they'd moved to a new place. He missed his old friends, but he was ready to move away from his past. The 16 year old boy ran a hand through his red-dyed hair, then left the room.

Dawon came out of her room at the same time, giving Hoseok a grin.

"Aw, Seok, you look so cute," she said, tying her hair into a ponytail as they walked down the stairs together.

"Noona, I'm sixteen! Don't call me cute," he protested, pouting.

"Okay fine, you look hot," Dawon corrected, walking ahead of him.

"Noona!" Hoseok tried to glare at Dawon's back, but he couldn't summon a frown.

"What? You don't have to be modest all the time," Dawon scolded.

"But," Hoseok began. "Well fine, the hair dye guy was super cool, my hair looks cool."

Dawon laughed.

"That's just complimenting the hair guy, but true, your hair does look amazing. I think red fits you. Your sunshine personality."

"Thanks," Hoseok said, reaching the bottom of the stairs one step after Dawon. "Noona?"

"Yeah?" Dawon replied.

"Why... why can't I remember anything from before?" he asked hesitantly. He'd asked before, and Dawon had always given the same answer. This time was no different.

Dawon whirled around, looking at Hoseok's face. Hoseok gulped at the seriousness in her deep brown eyes.

"Hoseok, I've told you before, I'm not going to tell you," she said sternly. "I know it hurts you to not remember, but..." she trailed off.

Hoseok looked at the floor.

"Sorry, noona," he whispered. The 20 year old leaned forward and hugged her younger brother.

"Hey, don't look at the floor, you're sixteen, you just said so! You're strong, Hoseok. One day, you'll find out about the past, okay? You're just too... young... to deal with it now," she said.

Hoseok nodded.

"Okay, noona, I understand," he said obediently. Dawon smiled, then turned away to help make breakfast.

Hoseok wondered how he was too young. He was 16, 2 years until being an adult. And his sister couldn't even tell him what happened to him 4 years ago?

He shook his head to clear the bad thoughts and walked into the kitchen.

"Morning appa, morning eomma!" he called cheerily, stepping over boxes.

"Morning Hoseok!" they replied, laughing as Hoseok yelped when he almost tripped over a box.

"Did you tell him yet?" Dawon asked from the fridge.

"Tell me what?" Hoseok asked, sitting down at the kitchen island.

"Hoseokie baby," his mom said excitedly. "You passed the audition!"

Hoseok shot up from his chair, leaping across the room the hug his mom.

"I did? I'm on the team?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear. The day after they'd moved into their new house, they'd gotten a phone call from a well known, high end dance studio nearby. Hoseok had recognized the name and excitedly picked up the phone, wondering why the studio was calling them. The man on the other end of the phone was the owner of the studio, and he'd seen Hoseok street dancing at a competition at his old home. Hoseok was super excited that the owner of such a high end studio knew him. He chuckled, remembering whooping and jumping around the house when the studio owner asked if he wanted an audition for the city team.

"No," his mom said, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Hoseok's chuckle faltered and his heart fell. He'd been looking forward to dancing at the studio.

"Even better than that! The owner wants you to be a solo dancer, and he wants to coach you himself!" his mom squealed.

Hoseok's eyes lit up and he screeched, squeezing her tight.

"YES! YES YES YES!" he yelled, full of energy.

Dawon and their dad started laughing.

"Hoseok! Calm down! I think the neighbors might be able to hear you!" their dad chuckled.

"Sorry, it's just, oh my God, I didn't think, I'm so excited, I, oh my God, wow," Hoseok was so excited that he couldn't make full sentences. He pulled away from his mom and hugged his dad.

Dawon grinned at how cute her little brother was.

"Congratulations, Hobi!" she cheered, grabbing the milk and closing the fridge.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" he asked, searching for cereal.

"You would have shot out of bed half dressed and started screeching!" their dad said.

Hoseok laughed.

"True," he found a box of cereal and handed it to Dawon.

"Also," she said, taking the box, "I got the job!"

Hoseok started yelling again, hugging his sister. Her dream was to become a fashion designer, and she'd already gotten the job only a few days after sending in her samples and doing her interview?

"Whoa, calm down, Hoseokie," she laughed, pulling him off of her. "It's not like I've built my career. It's only part time, I have university!" 

"I'm so happy for you!" Hoseok whooped. Now it was his turn to cheer for his sister. Their parents clapped, laughing at the scene. 

Yeah it's just gonna be fangirl section now: 





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