Don't Worry About Me

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"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah, hyung, I'm fine. My parents are coming back soon anyway," Hoseok answered. "Don't worry about me."

"Um," Yoongi began, then paused. Hoseok smiled.

"Okay, don't worry too much."

"Alright, love you, Hobi!" Yoongi said, reluctantly opening the door.

"Love you too," Hoseok called, watching Yoongi step out and close the door. When the door closed softly, he sat at the kitchen table as long as he could, then sprinted to the bathroom.

Black spots filled his vision and his stomach churned. He gagged, trying to keep everything down, but he couldn't fight his own body. He threw up into the toilet. His eyes watered, his throat burned, his stomach protested. His shaking hands tried to keep him up.

Nobody was there to hold him up, rub his back, but a wet paper towel on his forehead. He should have told Yoongi he felt sick.

It was just four bites.

When he was done, Hoseok tried to flush but missed and collapsed on the floor. He pulled himself up to rinse his mouth, but fell again. The sharp acidic taste bit into his mouth. He felt sweat on his back and on his forehead, his hair stuck to it.

The front door opened. Hoseok tried to get up.

"Hi! I'm home."

Not his parents. Dawon?

"Noona," Hoseok called out weakly.

"Hoseok? Are you okay?"

A bag thumped to the floor. Hurried footsteps. Dawon burst into the bathroom.

"What-- Omigod, are you okay? What happened? Hoseok, answer me."

Hoseok curled into a ball on the hard floor and tried to stop his stomach from heaving.

"Hoseok, did you tell somebody?"

"Yoongi," he managed.

"Where did he go? Did he leave? Get up," Dawon said, putting her hands on Hoseok's shoulders and gently pulling him up.

Hoseok moaned in protest but let Dawon drag him to the couch.

"Tell me what happened."

Hoseok opened his mouth, then closed it again.


He burst into tears.

"Are you okay?"

"I t-tried to eat, I did. I took four bites," he sobbed. "What's wrong with m-me? Only four bites, normal people can eat a whole meal, but I just get sick and--"

"Shh, should I get Yoongi? Did that idiot do something to you?"

"He's not an idiot," Hoseok answered automatically. "He left just now, don't make him w-worry..."

"He's going to worry when I tell him you threw up after he left," Dawon said. "Wait here, I'm going to go get a towel."

Hoseok closed his eyes until Dawon came back with a damp towel and put it on his forehead.

"Don't tell him."

"I'm going to."


Dawon froze at the Hoseok's tone.

"Okay, don't get that upset. I won't tell him, okay?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap," Hoseok mumbled. "It's just, why me? Why? I can't dance properly and I can't eat properly and I can't live properly and all I'm doing is dragging everybody down--"

"Jung Hoseok. I know you almost as much as eomma and appa, but believe me when I say Yoongi knows you better than anybody on the planet. If he wants to protect you, then you're worth protecting. If he doesn't... well, you still are but I seriously doubt it's physically possible for him to think that," Dawon interrupted, gently putting a hand on Hoseok's sweaty forehead. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to get him. Okay?"

Hoseok shook his head. Dawon stood up and walked to the door.

"Please, he just left..."

"And he's going to be mad if I don't tell him. Be right back," Dawon said, hurrying out the door and across the street. Hoseok glared at the door and then flopped his head back down onto the couch. He felt sick and everywhere hurt, but he was mostly tired. Really tired.

Yoongi burst into the house, spotted Hoseok, swore to himself, then took his shoes off and leaped to the couch in one swift motion.

"Sorry hyung," Hoseok muttered.

"Can you please tell me next time if you feel sick?" Yoongi asked. Hoseok bit his lip.

"I thought I was fine," he mumbled. He didn't like lying down helplessly while other people looked down at him, worrying.

"I know you did, but if you feel like you're going to throw up, at least tell somebody. If Dawon didn't come back, just imagine--" Yoongi broke off in a cough when he realized that imagining was not the best idea.

"I'm sorry, you can go back home, it's fine. Don't worry."

"One more time and I'm telling your parents or Dawon to take you to the hospital again."

"You would not. She would not."

"You bet I would," Dawon called from the kitchen. Hoseok sighed.

"Does anywhere hurt this time?" Yoongi asked gently.

"Everywhere," Hoseok grumbled.

"Where hurts the most?"

Hoseok hesitated, then pointed to his chest.

"Chest?" Yoongi asked. Hoseok shook his head. "Oh."

"It hurts to have twelve years missing from my memory. It hurts. A lot."


i do realize how that the gif has absolutely no tie to the plot now other than SOOOOOOOPE

but i mean i cant not put it up there

i'll probably use it again later


it's just so awesome and adorable and aaaah

oof alliteration aced


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