Driving Him Nuts

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A month later, Hoseok was the most popular boy at school, and it drove him nuts.

Jin and Namjoon were also more popular because of Hoseok, and it drove them nuts.

Yoongi watched Hoseok making friends, building status, making himself happy. Happy without Yoongi. And it drove him beyond nuts, it drove him over the edge until he was questioning everything about himself.

Do I matter?

Do people need me?

Does Hoseok want me?

I want him.

I need him.

But I can't hurt him again, and so what I'm doing is right, right? Being a little mean to make him stay away. But he keeps coming back. Why does he keep coming back?

He picked up his phone and checked his notifications. His eyes widened. There were a few from Hoseok's number. The number was ingrained into his brain now, even though he'd just glanced at it. But he'd muted the notifications from that number...

Oh wait. He'd restarted his phone. The notification mutes hadn't saved.

Yoongi couldn't help but read some of them... soon, he was opening the chat.


yoongi hyung?

it says u read it


u read the first messages

is this still jimin

jimin plz get ur brother, i need to talk to him

A few days later, another series of texts.



why r u avoiding me at school

i want to talk with u

Another few days later. Yoongi kept reading through texts, regretting reading each one more than the previous, until he got to yesterday's texts.




it hurts when i see u avoiding me

plz meet me somewhere...

in my house? my parents come home late so it's empty and lonely

Yoongi promised himself that he would slip just this one time. Just once. He replied.


ok, when? 


the picture is just like sfjksad 

it makes him look like a mythical entity 

i wonder how i spend my days squealing about how cute and also squealing about how hot the same people look at the same time 

but that's Bangtan for u 

the best. 

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