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Jimin ran into the room and jumped onto Hoseok, who was laughing. Yoongi grinned and followed him in.

"Wait, how did you...?" Hoseok asked, trying to squirm out from under Jimin's strong hug.

"Jimin comes here sometimes," Yoongi said.

"And you didn't tell me?!"

"It was a surprise," Sung said, laughing. "Are you guys like really close?"

"Sure, yeah," Yoongi said, helping Hoseok pry Jimin off.

"Wait so did you watch the whole thing..." Hoseok asked, blushing.


"Jimin! Language! And keep your voice down!" Yoongi scolded playfully. "Stop moving." Yoongi held Jimin while Hoseok stood up, then let go. Jimin tackled Hoseok again and they burst into laughter. "Be gentle, Jiminie."

"What, is he going to break me?" Hoseok asked, laughing and gasping for breath. "I'm offended."

"Oh no, I don't want to break you, sorry," Jimin apologized and got up.

"No, you're fine," Hoseok assured him.

"Oh, well in that case..." Jimin jumped back onto Hoseok. Yoongi grinned.

"Hey, Yoongi, can we talk for a moment?" Sung asked. Yoongi nodded and the two walked out of the room. "So, his eating..."

"What about it?" Yoongi asked defensively. He knew Sung was a nice guy, but he wasn't about to give up all of Hoseok's weaknesses.

"He said he doesn't really eat?" Sung asked, not noticing Yoongi's tone. Yoongi sighed. He could trust Sung.

"He... I don't know, he says it makes him feel really sick, and he's thrown up a lot."

"He can't dance very hard without eating enough, or he's going to pass out," Sung said softly. "He's a really talented dancer, it's truly astounding, but he needs to eat. Is there anything you can think of that might, like, help him?"

"I don't know," Yoongi said, looking at his shoes.

"Hey, look up. It's not your fault," Sung said gently. Yoongi snorted.

"It's not my fault? It's all my fault! Everything's my fault!" he said bitterly. Sung stepped back. "Sorry," Yoongi muttered. "I'm stressed. Sorry."

"It's okay, I understand... well, I don't think I do, but I can see that you're stressed. Don't worry, he'll be fine. We just need him to eat," Sung said reassuringly, patting Yoongi's shoulder. "Here's my number, we can talk more later, okay?" He handed Yoongi a business card. Yoongi stuffed it in his pocket and nodded. "Let's go-- oh. My. God." Sung opened the door and inside Jimin was trying to copy Hoseok.

"Yeah, Jiminie!" Hoseok clapped encouragingly. "Right foot... no, right foot. Yeah. Turn. Jump. Yeahh!"

Yoongi gaped as his younger brother followed Hoseok's instructions. He was dancing amazingly, better than Yoongi had ever seen.

"Since when could he dance like that?!" Yoongi whispered to Sung. The two boys in the room hadn't noticed them yet.

"I'm not sure," Sung whispered back, "But I've never seen him dancing that well."

"Hoseok taught him that much in a few minutes?!" Yoongi asked incredulously.

"I guess," Sung said, his mouth still hanging open. He cleared his throat. Hoseok turned.

"Hi! I was just helping him, I hope you don't mind..."

Jimin plopped onto the floor with a huge grin on his face.


"I-I can tell," Yoongi squeaked.

"Hoseok, you should really teach the kids here, not me," Sung said, walking over. "Jimin, show us again, please?"

Jimin nodded and stood up.

"Right foot," Hoseok whispered. Jimin grinned and nodded again, then began dancing. Yoongi's jaw dropped again. Sung's eyes were wide. Hoseok was smiling happily.

"That's amazing," Yoongi whispered when Jimin was done. Sung started clapping, and soon, the two older boys joined in. Jimin blushed and bowed.

"Jimin's such a great dancer!" Hoseok praised, giving the boy a high five.

"And you're a great teacher, I'll pay," Sung said.

"Um... I'm not that good..." Hoseok mumbled, but he looked excited.

"Come on, Hoseok. While we're building your diet back up, you can help the kids here. I won't pressure you with the older ones-- just Jimin's age. Middle school and younger. Please, I'm begging you, if you taught them, this school would be famous," Sung said, and patted Hoseok's back.

"It's already famous," Yoongi pointed out. "But you could make this the world's number one dance school..."

"Well who could say no to Mr. De-- to Sung?" Hoseok thought for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, I guess I'll need a job anyway."

"Yes!" Sung sank to his knees and bowed to Hoseok, who turned bright pink.

"Mr. Deuk, don't bow to me, I'm supposed to bow to you--"

"Oh shush, you're a dance god," Sung said, getting up and grinning.

"DOES THAT MEAN HOSEOK HYUNG CAN TEACH ME MORE?" Jimin yelled, bouncing up to Yoongi.

"I don't know, ask—" Yoongi began.

"Sure, of course. Is that okay with you?" Sung said, turning to Hoseok, who nodded and smiled.

"Jimin, you stay here for your class, I'll come pick you up later, okay?" Yoongi asked and ruffled Jimin's hair. Jimin ducked, laughing.

"Hey! Sure, or eomma or appa can pick me up, it's okay. Since you need to spend time with Hoseok hyung," Jimin said, grinning slyly.

"What?" Yoongi asked, trying to keep himself from blushing. He wasn't sure how he was going to tell his friends and Jimin about him and Hoseok.

"Never mind," Jimin said, winking.

"Park Jimin! We are going to talk later," Yoongi scolded playfully. "Okay, have fun and behave!"

"'Kay, hyung. Bye Hoseok hyung!" Jimin gave each boy a hug, then walked over to Sung to ask a question.

"Let's go," Yoongi said to Hoseok. "I'm driving you home." 

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