I'm Scared

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"Is he okay?" Jin called from the front seat. Yoongi had called him to drive them because he didn't want to terrify Hoseok with an ambulance, even if he was passed out, and because Yoongi wasn't comfortable driving yet.

"I don't know, hyung, I don't know, this is all my fault, I'm so stupid..." Yoongi was mostly muttering to himself. He was in the back seat with Hoseok lying on all three seats, his head on Yoongi's lap. Yoongi brushed a lock of red hair out of Hoseok's face which looked unhealthily pale.



"You knew him before... before it happened right? Before you got adopted?"

"Jin-- how did you know?"

"It's obvious. You're trying to protect him from you, but from what about you, I don't know."

Yoongi burst into tears. Jin looked at the crying seventeen year old in his back seat, then at Hoseok. "Yoongi, spill right now, or I'm pulling over." Both of them knew he didn't mean it, but Yoongi spilled anyway.

"So let me get this right, you freaking risked your life to save him and you think it's your fault?" Jin asked gently. Yoongi just sniffed and nodded.

"I'm watching the road, I can't see if you nod or not."

"Yes. Yes, It's my fault. And he stopped eating now because of me, too."

"Yoongi..." Jin breathed.

"What." Yoongi said flatly, looking into Hoseok's face, his beautiful face, his face that shouldn't be harmed.

"You are a freaking idiot, Yoongi!" Jin shouted, gripping the driving wheel. "Can't you see? He loves you, you love him, build back what you had! You're so stupid!"

"Jin, it's not that simple--"

"I know it's not simple, Yoongi! But you're hurting yourself, you're hurting him, and our friendship when you stay away!" Jin's voice softened. Yoongi must be going through a lot of pain. "Please, Yoongi, please. I want things the way they used to be, when you were happy... oh. Oh. I'm an idiot. I'm a stupid freaking idiot."

"No, Jin, before you say--"

"I never noticed. Yoongi, I'm so sorry. I never noticed the pain in your eyes, I should have noticed, I--"

"Hyung, shut up. It's not your fault. And, I was happy. I knew Hoseokie was living a happy life without the danger of me. I was happy, really. But now he's here and I'm here, and I'm scared, I'm so scared to try again, hyung. I'm scared."

"Shh, you're okay, Yoongi. We're here," Jin announced. Yoongi gently picked Hoseok up and carried him inside to meet a very, very worried Dawon. 

precious parka hug 

so precious 


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