Perfect Dancing

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Hoseok was at the dance studio, and he was very excited.

"All right, Hoseok, I've seen you dance before. You're amazing," said a tall man as he led the red-haired boy to a big room with wood flooring and a huge mirror filling a whole wall.

"Kamsahamnida, Mr. Deuk!" Hoseok said, bowing to the man multiple times. Mr. Deuk chuckled.

"You can call me Sung, and you're very welcome!"

"But you're awesome, I should respect you--"

"Aw, you're so nice! But I think you're really exceptional, Hoseok. I think you'll be a legend on stage. Call me Sung, we're friends, alright?"

"Kamsahamnida, kamsahamnida," Hoseok repeated, bouncing around with excitement.

"You look a little skinny. Are you eating good?"

Hoseok's smile faltered a little.


"I need you to be honest, so I can work with you in the best way possible," Sung said gently.

"Okay... but will you be mad?"

"Of course not! I get my hands on the Jung Hoseok, you think I'm going to let this opportunity go?!" Sung asked, pretending to look hurt. They both laughed.

"Okay then... well, I just couldn't eat for a while in September. I don't know why, it just made me sick and queasy. I-- well, it just makes me feel really sick now. I don't really eat much. I'm sorry," Hoseok said, rushing through the words. He felt guilty for making people worry.

"Don't be sorry, Hoseok. That's okay, I'll help you build back up to eating, okay? Do your parents know?"

"Yeah... I had to go to the hospital 'cause I passed out..."

"Oh, okay. Well, you're going to have to eat normal amounts of food if you want to dance hard, you know that, right?"

"Yes, Mr. De-- Sung. Yes, Sung," Hoseok mumbled, looking down.

"Alright, I'll talk with your parents later. Dance now?"

"Uh... if you don't mind, can you not talk with my parents? I don't want to worry them..."

"Hoseok, we need more people to be in the helping part. We need you eating so you can dance hard, because you're a star waiting to shine."

Hoseok perked up.

"You can talk to my friend Yoongi hyung. He took care of me when I passed out. He's making me eat."

"Okay, that sounds good. Can you give me his contact info later?"

Hoseok nodded, feeling relieved.

"Now, don't dance so hard you pass out, but how about you show me some simple moves?"

Hoseok excitedly put his dance shoes on and walked to the center of the room. He was definitely not going to do 'some simple moves'.

"Oh right, music," Sung said, chuckling. "I forgot, sorry. What song?" He walked over to a speaker set. Hoseok was still amazed at how modern the studio was.

"I don't know, any one. I'll freestyle," Hoseok said, stretching.

"Of course, I shouldn't underestimate you, Jung Hoseok," Sung said, grinning. Hoseok grinned back. Sung started a song and Hoseok began dancing.

Sung was not mentally prepared for what came.

Hoseok started street dancing, moving in an inhumanly smooth way. Sung was a professional, and he worked with lots of talented dancers, but he's never seen this before. Hoseok was fast and agile, moving quickly. It seemed impossible considering he was still a student and didn't dance 24/7.

When the song changed to a slower one, Hoseok immediately adapted to the new music and went slower, capturing Sung's attention with his freestyle.

The next song was way faster than the first one, and Hoseok instantly changed his style. Sung watched in pure awe as Hoseok moved terrifyingly fast, emphasizing each move. Sung could tell that the moves were difficult and complicated, but Hoseok was showing him the definition of perfect dancing. Perfect technique, perfect posture, perfect style, perfect expression, perfect everything. He was staying exactly on beat, even when the music was unpredictable. It was like Hoseok knew exactly what each song was going to do.

And he was freestyling the whole thing.

When the third song ended, Sung shut the radio off. Hoseok sat down and started stretching, grinning to himself. It felt good to dance.

"A-All right, Hoseok," Sung began, stuttering slightly with shock. "I think you n-need to be teaching me and all the other dancers here."

Hoseok's smile stretched from ear to ear, and it warmed Sung to the core.

"Everything about you is just so amazing, Hoseok. And that was freestyling! I wonder what you could do with a set choreography. Oh, I'm so excited, we're going to take over the world!"

"Thanks!" Hoseok was still grinning, but he was panting a little.

"Take it easy, buddy," Sung chided, handing him his water bottle. "You have to get back to a normal diet before you can do that again."

"Okay," Hoseok said, taking a sip of water. He wished Yoongi was here.

"That," came a voice from the door to the room, "was astonishing."

"J-HOOOOOOOOOOOPE!" came a smaller, but much louder, voice. 

Hoseok's eyes widened.

"Yoongi? Jimin?"

"Surprise!" Sung said, patting Hoseok's back and grinning. 


Sorry i'm putting it as Sung not Son cuz i mean i feel like it'd be slightly weird since it's like the word son 


jhope is a perfect man 

that's a fact 

that's a fact 

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