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More memories... 

Yoongi was convincing Hoseok to go into the mall. They had a little argument. 

Yoongi was annoyed. He told Hoseok to go into the store by himself.


The alarms went off, wailing.

Flames burst out from inside the store. Yoongi's gut clenched. Hoseok was in there.

He sprinted inside, ignoring the adults running all around him, yelling to get out. His eyes stung and each breath seared at his lungs. Smoke filled the room in a blurry haze, making Yoongi's eyes water. Flames licked at everything.

"HOSEOK!" he screamed, breaking off in a cough. He heard a whimper. He ran for the sound, screaming over and over between coughs.

Yoongi found Hoseok trapped under a fallen table, struggling to get out as he coughed. His eyes widened when he saw Yoongi.

"Yoongi! Get out!" he cried, eyes stinging from the smoke and heat. Yoongi ignored him, running into the circle of flames surrounding the table. He shoved the table but it wouldn't budge. "Yoongi! Leave me, get out of here!" Hoseok yelled, barely heard above the roar of the fire.

"N-No," Yoongi coughed. He took off his shirt, soaked with sweat, and tied it gently around Hoseok's mouth, then shoved the table again. Slowly, he got it off of Hoseok and grabbed Hoseok, standing up.

Dread filled his stomach when he realized the flames had completed their circle. Surrounded. Trapped. They were closing in. Too close. Hoseok was sobbing, clinging to Yoongi and begging him to go. Yoongi spun around, panicked.

"Hoseokie, listen to me. We're going to run, do you understand me? Run, okay?" Yoongi commanded. Hoseok nodded weakly. He was losing strength from lack of oxygen. Yoongi grabbed Hoseok's hand and ran through a break in the flames. Hoseok screamed when his shirt caught on fire. Yoongi ripped it off and kept running.

Hoseok was lightheaded, letting his boyfriend drag him. He was suffocating. He had been trapped under the table for too long. He couldn't breathe. He was sweating and crying, but barely any moisture was coming out. The heat was sucking the water right out of him. His instinct was to let Yoongi run without him, leave him behind. He wouldn't make it, but Yoongi could. Yoongi had to. Yoongi was coughing too, taking shallow breaths.

"Y-Yoongi, g-go," Hoseok coughed, then he collapsed next to Yoongi. Yoongi didn't hesitate before picking Hoseok up and carrying him all the way to the exit, through the searing flames and unbearable heat.

When he got out, a firefighter ran over. Yoongi couldn't hear what he was saying. His head was ringing as he sucked in breaths of fresh air. Hoseok was lying on the grass, still unconscious. Yoongi couldn't feel anything, he only saw Hoseok lying their, helpless. He only remembered making Hoseok go inside the store alone. This was all his fault.

The firefighter picked them up and carried them to an ambulance. It zoomed off, sirens wailing as Yoongi sobbed inside, trying to take deep breaths and stop coughing. Someone gave him a water bottle.

At the hospital, Hoseok was sent off to a room. Yoongi tried to follow, but the nurses said he couldn't go with him. Yoongi was brought to his own room, where there was a quick check-up. He was fine, so he was sent to wait for his foster parents to pick him up. They didn't come.

Instead, Dawon, Hoseok's sister, came and picked Yoongi up. She told him that his foster parents were done with him. Just done. They gave up. Yoongi didn't have parents anymore. The thirteen year old had broken down in tears.

Dawon hugged Yoongi and said that she would take care of him until he could get a family. She cried too, worried about Hoseok, who had to stay in the hospital.

Yoongi sobbed into Dawon's hug, gasping what had happened between his cries. Making Hoseok go into the store. Being stupid. Dawon tried to comfort him, but it was no use. Yoongi blamed himself for everything.

The next day, Yoongi was sitting in Hoseok's room when Dawon came in. Her eyes were puffy and red.

"He can't remember anything."

Yoongi was adopted the next week. He cried himself dry for that week, blaming himself for everything. He shouldn't have told Hoseok to go to the mall. He shouldn't have yanked him too hard. He should have saved him. Now Hoseok couldn't remember anything. Yoongi thought he deserved that, not his beloved Hoseokie.

Yoongi was going to get away from this city. He was never going to hurt his boyfriend again. His love.

Yoongi made two promises to himself.

He would never cry again unless it was for Hoseok.

And he would never again hurt Hoseok.

He grew up with his new adopted parents and little brother, Jimin, who he loved.

He never cried once, ignoring the empty hole in his heart. 





GO FOLLOW @Sugastan666 

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