I Think I'm Remembering

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Yoongi woke up in a cold sweat. He sat up.

"No, no, no," he whispered to himself. He was not going to dream about Hoseok again. Nope. No.

A soft knock came from the door.

"Come in," Yoongi called tiredly, expecting Jimin.

The door opened slightly.

"Uh... your eomma said I should 'bond with you' or something... if you're busy I can go back down."


Yoongi kicked himself and looked up.

Lord, he's beautiful.

Yoongi kicked himself again.

"Come in, it's fine, I was just uh, reading."

Hoseok hesitantly walked in, admiring Yoongi's posters.

"Do you play basketball?" he asked, standing awkwardly in the middle of the small room.

"Yeah," Yoongi said quietly. "You can sit down." He gestured at the ball chair behind Hoseok. Hoseok sat down gratefully and smiled. Yoongi saw his cute little dimple.

What are you doing, you idiot? Don't get close to him! Yoongi's inside voice said.

"So... you dance?" Yoongi asked, even though he knew the answer. As expected, Hoseok answered with a smile.

"Yeah, but I'm not very good."

Yoongi almost choked. Not good? Hoseok was the best dancer alive. And he was still young.

"Don't say that, I'm sure you're good," was all he could manage.

Hoseok laughed.

"Thanks, that's nice."

They sat awkwardly, a thick silence hanging between them. Every instinct in Yoongi's body itchted to lung for Hoseok. Except the protect-your-precious instinct.

Hoseok started tapping his foot on the ground.

Yoongi smiled to himself. Hoseok had never been able to sit still for very long. He was made to move, to dance.

"Can I ask you a question? It might seem really weird... I mean, I'm weird but... " Hoseok broke the silence.

"Uh, sure," Yoongi said hesitantly. He didn't want this to go in the wrong direction. The wrong direction was backwards; towards the past.

"Um, do I know you from somewhere?" Hoseok asked hesitantly.

Yoongi actually choked this time. He bent over, coughing.

Hoseok shot up and grabbed the water bottle on Yoongi's desk.

"Sorry! Are you okay?" he asked, handing the water bottle to Yoongi. Hoseok was panicking.

"I'm fine," Yoongi wheezed between coughs, gratefully taking the water bottle and drinking a big gulp. "Don't be sorry, you didn't to anything wrong."

"I'm sorry," Hoseok repeated.

"No, don't be," Yoongi said firmly.

"It's just, I can't remember much from when I was young, and you look familiar, and... I'm being so silly. Sorry. I didn't mean to bother you." Hoseok said. He looked sad. It stabbed at Yoongi to see Hoseok sad.

"No, really. It's fine, I just um, choked on... uh yeah."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"No..." Yoongi made a decision. He would make Hoseok happy right now. But when school started, he would act cold until Hoseok turned away. For his own sake. "I think you might know me... Hobi."

Hoseok visibly stiffened.

"H-Hobi?" he murmured. "W-Where do you know me from?"

"I, uh..." Yoongi grimaced. He'd already blown it. How could he ruin things so quickly?

"Hobi. I remember. That's my nickname. Somebody who cared about me called me that. I'd give anything to remember right now..."

"I'd give everything to forget," Yoongi whispered. Hoseok didn't hear. "From... your past?" Yoongi said in his normal voice.

"My p-past?" Hoseok stammered. It was almost cute. He was seventeen years old and he was stuttering. Yoongi slapped himself.

"Hoseokie..." Yoongi couldn't help it. He was so close. Years of longing, and the gaping hole in his heart, propelled him forward.

"Y-Yoongi?" Hoseok sounded so uncertain and confused. Yoongi walked to the ball chair and pulled Hoseok up. They were so close...

Yoongi looked down into Hoseok's eyes.

"Fire? Fate? Hobi," Yoongi whispered. A flash of recognition lit Hoseok's eyes.

"Y-Yoongi," he breathed. "I-I think I'm r-remembering something..."

Yoongi leaned down and pulled Hoseok closer. Their faces were inches apart.

"Hobi... I used to love you. I still love you. I'll always love you."

"Y-Yoongi hyung-g," Hoseok whispered.

Yoongi leaned down and their lips met. 


sope is just so cute omg 

they're just sitting there 

so adorable 

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