Dance a Million

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After gym was dance, in which there were only ten kids, and in which Hoseok scared the teacher with his dance skills to the point that she immediately gave him a solo while the other kids watched, stunned that the Jung Hoseok was here, in their school, in their class, and that their teacher had already broken down.

"Ms. Hwan, Mr. Kung said he borrowed some mats, here they are-- oh my freaking God, is that Hoseok?" Jimin poked his head into the door and nearly fell over when he saw Hoseok street dancing, a very stunned woman, and nine other kids standing with their mouths hanging open. He turned to the nearest kid. "Is this Dance a Million?" he asked. The kid just kept staring at Hoseok. "Hello?" The kid looked up, in a daze.

"I don't know, but this Hoseok kid is a freaking dance machine, how are we ever going to match that?"

Jimin shrugged. Hoseok was doing moves that should have been too hard, moves that made him look downright godly.

"Ms. Hwan!" Jimin called out, and the teacher looked up, startled.

"Yes-- Oh, hi Jimin! What do you need?" she asked nicely, though it looked like she was reluctant to tear her eyes away from Hoseok, who was dancing his heart out.

"Mr. Kung wanted to return these mats," Jimin said, holding up a roll of mats. Ms. Hwan walked over and took them.

"Thanks," she said, patting Jimin's head. "Tell him he thanks for me?"

Jimin nodded, then whispered softly.

"Hoseok hyung is a legend!"

The teacher just nodded and sent Jimin off to class.

"Alright, Hoseok, I think you need to be sent off to an international dance club or something..." she said. Hoseok stopped dancing and the confidence in his moves washed away, leaving a shy and quiet boy who was blushing furiously. "You get a solo part no matter what. I feel like this is an honor or something, to have you here..."

"N-No, it's fine, I don't need a solo part," Hoseok said quietly, glancing at the other kids. One of them spoke up.

"Yeah, you definitely need a solo part. Like, definitely. This is our chance to make our school shine, and Jung Hoseok is here, so we're going to take this chance and shine--"

"Woozi, shush," another kid said.

"Hey! I'm not done with my inspirational speech--"

The room broke into excited chatter, and everyone surrounded Hoseok, patting his back and talking to him. Making friends.

Once again, he felt himself smiling. Friends were healing him. Dance was healing him. Then why did it feel like something was still missing? Why was one thought still echoing around his hollow heart?

Yoongi, I forgive you, for whatever you think you did wrong. Please, talk to me. Please.

I need you, Yoongi hyung. I need my past, I need my memories, but I need more to feel happy when I see you smiling, and I need to know you're happy. 

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