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Hoseok sat down nervously in his first period, math with Ms. Yoon.

"Can I sit here?" Namjoon asked, but he was already dropping his bag on the desk next to Hoseok's.

"Why are you guys being so nice to me?" Hoseok whispered, leaning over so nobody else would here.

"'Cause one, Jin's a really nice hyung, and two, you seem really nice too. You deserve friends, maybe better than Jin-- just kidding-- and being a new kid is hard, so yeah. The Kim household holds pride in our kindness!" Namjoon finished off by puffing his chest out, then burst into laughter.

Hoseok forced a laugh too, then realized it wasn't really that forced.

"Is Yoongi treating you well? He better be nice to you," Namjoon asked, setting his bag down on the floor.

"Yeah, he's being nice," Hoseok said, letting his gaze drop to his own desk.

"Are you sure? If he isn't just tell me, I'll tell him-- well, I don't know, but he's a pretty closed up guy. Maybe give it time, and he'll open up to you too, you know? He's really nice. He's just a little bit quiet at first."

Hoseok nodded, feeling a small spark in his chest, a rush of warmth. There was hope, right? There was hope that he could open Yoongi up to him.

Math dragged by slowly because all they did was read the syllabus and expectations. After it ended, Namjoon and Hoseok walked out together, bowing to the teacher and saying thanks.

English flew by quickly because Mr. Lee let them hang out all period. Then gym came. Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jin were all in the same class. Which meant Hoseok had to see Yoongi, which meant Yoongi had to see Hoseok, which meant Hoseok could end up upsetting Yoongi again, and he didn't want that.

The teacher, Mr. Kung, or Coach Kung, told them to just walk around the gym for the period. Namjoon and Jin immediately attracted about ten girls. Hoseok wandered off on his own, not noticing himself walking towards Yoongi, who was shooting hoops. Hoseok looked up with a start and saw Yoongi shooting the basketball from the 3-point line, and he was amazed.

"Wow, you're good! Making that many 3 pointers in a row, I mean..." Hoseok trailed off when Yoongi turned around and look at him with cold eyes.

"I don't need attention, thank you very much."

"Sorry," Hoseok bit his lip. Yoongi's tone was cold, not at all like the night he had comforted Hoseok. Hoseok was really confused by Yoongi. "Didn't mean to bother you."

"Go hang out with your new friends. All those girls hanging onto you," Yoongi said bitterly, then turned back and winced at his own words and expression. But he had to, to keep Hoseok away from him.

Hoseok turned back slowly and noticed that Yoongi was right, there were a couple of girls watching him. Okay, maybe more than a couple.

"It's just 'cause the dance thing..." he mumbled to himself.

"Hey! Yoongi, are you harassing our beautiful new friend here?" Jin yelled, running over with a wake of giggling girls. Yoongi sighed and shot another 3 pointer. He missed.

"Go away."

"Stop being cold."

"Go away, you're stressing me out."

"You mean Hoseok's stressing you out? He's just too beautiful for your coldness. Let's go, Hoseok. Ooh, can I call you Hoseokie?"

Neither of the boys noticed Yoongi's wet eyes and pink cheeks, the tears threatening to spill over. But they were in high school, and Yoongi was not going to tolerate being "the-senior-who-cries" because no matter how popular he and his friends were, reputations were fragile in high school. So he blinked and kept shooting at the basket.

"Ignore him, he's cold. Let him warm up to you, then he'll be following you everywhere," Jin laughed easily, putting an arm around Hoseok and shooing away a few girls that were too close.

Hoseok felt a real, big smile turn the corners of his lips up. He was making friends, and fast. He liked it here. It felt safer. Maybe because of his new friends... but he had a feeling that it was because of something else. Someone else.

Yoongi, I forgive you, for whatever you think you did wrong. Please, talk to me. Please.

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