Dance 3

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"Alright, let's see, do we have anything together? Wait, are you a sophomore?"

Hoseok nodded.

"So is Egghead-- er, Namjoon. You might have the same classes..." Jin said, scanning each of their schedules while Hoseok stood dumbfounded. Since when were strangers this nice to him? "Ooh, you guys have math together. And English, oh by the way, Egghead is really good at English. And there's gym and science. Aw, you don't have history or-- oh my God, you made it into Dance 3?!" he asked, shocked.

Hoseok nodded uneasily.

"Wow! Hoseok, do you realize how amazing that is? It's really hard to get into dance itself, let alone Dance 3!"

Hoseok shrugged. Jin softened.

"Sorry, am I scaring you? Didn't mean to, are you okay?" he asked in a gentler voice. Hoseok nodded. "Okay, that's good. Oh wow, we all have the same gym with Yoongi too."

Hoseok stiffened and looked away.

"Yoongi! Get over here!" Jin yelled, waving his hands. Hoseok didn't look up to see where he was waving, but he heard Yoongi coming. He felt it. Was that weird?

"Hi Jin, Namjoon! What-- oh," Yoongi's voice fell. Of course Hoseok would end up being friends with his friends. Hoseok was a really nice guy, and Jin and Namjoon were really nice too. "Uh, hi, Hob-- Hoseok."

"You guys know each other?" Namjoon asked, trying to pry a girl off of his arm. "Oh wait, you told us. New neighbor, oh wait, that means you're new here Hoseok, sorry, I didn't mean to bring my fan club."

"Aish!" Jin smacked Namjoon again, then led them to the library for some privacy.

Yoongi watched Jin holding Hoseok's hand, and he had an uneasy feeling in his gut. Anxiety?

He saw that Dawon was right. Hoseok wasn't smiling, and his cheery attitude from the barbeque was gone, replaced by a blank and distant one. Yoongi didn't like it one bit.

He realized it wasn't anxiety. It was fear. He was scared, really scared.

Scared for himself, for Dawon, but mostly for Hoseok. Because if Hoseok wasn't smiling, then something was seriously wrong. 




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