Going Home

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"Jung Hoseok?" the doctor asked. More like confirmed. 

"Yeah, that's me," Hoseok said lightly. 

"You can leave today," the doctor said, smiling warmly. Hoseok brightened immediately.

"I can?" he asked in disbelief. "Why so sudden?"

The doctor laughed.

"We just checked up on you. You're fine to go. You'll need to have someone check to make sure you're eating and sleeping and drinking fine, but other than that, you're back to normal."

"Thank you," Yoongi breathed. The doctor nodded.

"Somebody will disconnect the IV for you later, after I leave. You can pack your things. Do you have a ride back home?"

Yoongi nodded and pulled out his phone.

"Alright, I'll leave you to it then. Good job, Hoseok. You recovered really fast. Make sure to eat and drink well!"

"Thank you! Have a good day!" Hoseok replied, smiling brightly. The doctor grinned before leaving. "We're going home," Hoseok said.

"Yeah. Yeah, we are," Yoongi said, excited.

"I'm going to dance," Hoseok continued. Yoongi nodded, handing his phone to Hoseok. 

"Here, you talk to Jin. I'll pack my stuff." 

Hoseok held the phone up to his ear. Yoongi grinned as he listened to him talk. 


"Yeah! It's Hoseok." 

"Yes I am! I'm going back home." 

"Aish, don't yell—"


"Thanks, yeah. Finally." 

"Taehyung! How's it going, bud?" 

"He wants to talk to you," Hoseok said, holding out the phone to Yoongi. Yoongi took it and held it up to his ear, wondering what Taehyung wanted. 


"Hi! It's Tae," came the reply. 

"Hey, how are you?" Yoongi asked, finishing zipping up his backpack. 

"Good, you?"


"I had a question." 


"Did you kiss Hoseok hyung?" 

Yoongi grinned when he heard a thud followed by a yelp on the other end. 

"It's still me! I'm running," Taehyung panted, sounding out of breath. \

"Yes," Yoongi said, smiling. 

"You kissed him?" 

"Yeah, I did," Yoongi replied. 

"Did you make out?" 

"Tae! No!" 

"'Kay, just curious. Bye! Oh no—" 

Another shout, then Namjoon's voice came on, out of breath but full of smiles. 

"Yoongi, so sorry." 

"Nah it's fine." 

"Hoseok's coming back?" 



"IT'S TAE—" 

"Sorry," came Jin's voice. Yoongi laughed. 

"Hey, man, no worries." 

"I'll be there in an hour, is that okay?" 

"Yeah, thanks so much." 

"Of course. What are friends for?" 

Taehyung's voice came on again, then the other end hung up. Yoongi grinned. 

"We're going home," Hoseok repeated. "Together. Not apart. Together." 

Yoongi kissed him again. 

Together. Not apart. Together.

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