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Hoseok didn't know what to expect at the new school, but it definitely wasn't a dozen girls flocking around him, gushing about some nonsense.

The moment he'd walked in, a nearby girl had whispered something to another one, and the whisper had rippled its way around the hallway, then suddenly everyone pounced.

Hoseok didn't know what they wanted, or if they were being nice or not. He used to have lots of friends, but after he moved and the headaches started, he was beginning to see no point of friends. No point of anything, really.

So he just looked at the ground and ignored the girls swooning over his hair and his face. Eventually, the bell rang and the entire hallway ran down to the commons to get their schedules for the new year.

Hoseok stayed silent and walked after them, trying to be invisible.

"Hey! Aren't you the kid who won that dance competition! Hoseok? Oh wow, you're amazing! Your dance is so cool, wow, are you really Jung Hoseok?"

"It's Hoseok! Aren't you a pretty boy? You don't happen to need a girlfriend or anything, hmm?"

"Oh wow, I saw you on TV! Aren't you the boy who won the dance thing? You go, man!"

"What a pretty boy, wow!"

Finally, a strong voice cut through the chatter and a tall figure made its way through the swarm. The chatter immediately switched gears.

"Jin! Are you busy after school?"

"Jinnie oppa!"

"Jin, why don't you try out for the team?"

"Jin, hi! How's Namjoon and Taehyung?"

"Jin, where are you going?"

"Jin, that's Hoseok! The dance guy! Isn't this so cool?"

Jin ignored everyone and made a beeline for Hoseok.

"Hey, I'm Jin," he said warmly, smiling. Hoseok immediately liked Jin. He had a nice face and pretty brown hair. His broad shoulders made him look strong and protective. He was obviously really popular.

"I-I'm Hoseok," he said quietly, staring at his feet. He was confused and overwhelmed with all the attention.

"Just ignore everybody," Jin said, as if he was reading Hoseok's mind. "What's your last name? I'll help you find your schedule."

"J-Jung," Hoseok mumbled, flushing red with embarrassment.

"So they're right? You're the Jung Hoseok? That's amazing, bro!" Jin held up a fist. Hoseok looked at it hesitantly, then raised his own fist to bump it. "Come on, let's see, where's J... J..."

"JIN YOU HAMBURGER!" came a loud but friendly voice. Hoseok turned and saw another boy with his hair dyed a startling but amazing silver. He had his own crowd following him. Was everybody here so popular?

"Shut up, Namjoon. It's not my fault you're not handsome like I am," Jin said, laughing gently.

"Hyung! I'm-- who's that?" the boy-- Namjoon?--'s eyes landed on Hoseok.

"I'm Hoseok..." Hoseok mumbled, looking at his shoes. Why were there so many popular kids coming to him?

"You idiot, he won the dance competition!" Jin hissed, smacking Namjoon's head.

"Oh. Oh wow, I can't dance at all, that's amazing, man!" Namjoon held up a hand and Hoseok high fived it, grinning. His smile quickly dropped.

"He's my dongsaeng. Amazing guy, great in math, great at music, but... he breaks everything," Jin said, still smiling.

"Hey, no I don't!" Namjoon protested, but right as he said it, the pencil he was holding snapped. His eyes widened. "It wasn't me! I swear, I was just holding it!"

Hoseok covered his mouth to hide his smile. He didn't want to smile, but the two brothers were so nice and funny.

"And the youngest dongsaeng is Taehyung, he's in the middle school," Jin said, gesturing somewhere random. Hoseok assumed that was the direction of the smaller middle school on the same campus. "Anyway, oh, there's the J's!"

Jin led Namjoon and Hoseok to a table, where he looked until he found Jung Hoseok labelled on one of the papers. He handed it to Hoseok and went to find his and Namjoon's at the K table right next to them. He came back with two papers, smiling and welcoming. Hoseok couldn't help but let a small smile dance on his lips, grateful for a new friend already. 

The pic. The pic. The pic. 















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