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I walked along a dirt trail, taking in the natural scents around me. I was walking towards my favorite place in the entire town. It was one of the most silent places. It is said that anyone who gets close to it or even touches its beautiful apples would disappear and never be found. There were even myths that two brothers used to guard the tree. I don't completely think that it's false. After all, how would anyone be able to justify the disappearances? People at my school always dared each other to go. None of them ever returned. B/N forced me to come here and bring something back as a sign. So I managed to take a picture of myself standing next to the tree and showed it to her. I managed to somehow survive. And now it's my little safe space, away from the world.

I approached the tree. What made it different from others was its appearance. On one side, there were luscious golden apples that sparkled in the sun, with leaves that glistened and moved with the wind.

The other side was my favorite though. It looked as though it was rotting, but I knew better. The apples were a dark purple, almost black color. If you looked close enough, it almost looked like whole galaxies swirled inside of them. The blackish leaves that accompanied them glistened with mysteries.

Just like I always do when I come here, I go up to the lowest hanging black apple and gave it a small rub, giving it a quick kiss.

"Hello again, Haven," I whispered to the apple. I set down my bookbag and pulled out two water bottles; one completely filled, the other only halfway full. I opened up the second one and poured it on the tree. The tree glistened in response. I pulled out a book and sat against the tree.

I eventually felt myself growing tired, and before I knew it, I passed out. But I didn't find myself in a pleasant place in my dream. If I could ever even call it that...

Edited 12 March 2020

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