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Thanks." I said, starting to draw on top of the pencil marks. Ink just looks over my shoulder, smiling.


It took a bit, but eventually, the drawing was complete. It showed a grassy green hill overlooking a field of lilacs, daisies, and roses. The beautiful sunset tinted everything an orange hue. The tree was painted in a bright, vibrant brown, with luscious green leaves.  I was sitting in the middle, with Ink to my left and the other figure to my right.  My H/L, H/C hair flowed in the non-existent wind, a bright smile on my face. Ink had a calm look on his face as he rested a hand on my head. The figure to my right was sitting down, laying his head on my shoulder while his arms were wrapped around my waist. I didn't give him a face, but he definitely looked like he was...dripping?

I looked at Ink. He apparently fell asleep while I was drawing. I giggled and lightly tapped on his skull.

"Inky, wake up~" I said sweetly. He slowly opened his eyes, and looked at me, smiling sweetly.

"Hi N/N." He said. I smiled and pointed at my picture. He looked at it and his face instantly brightened.

"Wow, this is so amazing!"

"Thanks." I said. I looked at Ink, who then turned his head away from my sketchbook and threw up ink. I just stared at it before I started laughing. Ink looked at me, and joined in on my laughter.

Our joyous laughter echoed all around us. We were so lost within our joy that neither of us could feel multiple sets of eyes...watching us...

Painting in the Darkness - a Nightmare x reader x InkWhere stories live. Discover now