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I felt...joy. I smiled, tears still rolling down my face. We eventually parted, and I walk back over to Ink. Cherry then walks up to Dream and gives him a big hug, followed by a quick kiss on the cheek. It seemed that everything was as it should be.

At least, that's what I had thought.


I wake up in bed, feeling warmth surround me. It's been close to a year now. Ink and I have only grown closer during this time. He taught me about how souls worked, and I eventually found out that my soul was unique. I could harness all the soul powers, despite having the soul trait of s/c/t (you can look them up if you can't remember what yours is). I've been training with my powers with the Star Sanses, which now has Cherry as one of their members. I also managed to find out that Cherry and Annabelle were once sisters before Annabelle inevitably died.

I looked up at Ink, who was currently awake.

"Good morning, Love."

"Morning Inky..." I said, sounding a bit nasal.

I ended up catching a cold...Blue always insisted on training in Underswap, in the middle of Snowdin Forest.

Ink lifted his hand up to my forehead and placed the back of his cold, boney hand on it.

"Oh my, you're running a fever, dear!"

I did notice that I still felt cold, even though I was surrounded by warmth. I felt his arms wrap around me and the bed leave my body as he carried me into the bathroom. He gently placed me down on the lid of the toilet, right next to the tub. He turned on the water as it came out in a beautiful stream.

"Here, go ahead and get in the bath. I'll go get a towel for you." I nodded as he left the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I got myself undressed and I moved into the tub.

I heard a knock on the door as Ink walked in. He set the towel down on the toilet, as he started making his way back to the door. I managed to grab onto his scarf before he could leave. He turned around and looked at me.

"I-I'm still cold...could you maybe join me...?" I saw Ink's face burst into a rainbow of colors. He just nodded slowly, walked out, and came in a few minutes later wearing nothing but shorts. He slowly got into the tub and held me close to him. I rested my back against his ribs, taking in the scent of fresh paint. I looked up at him as he looked down at me before our lips met. I could feel his hands move up and down my sides. I rubbed my hands on his ribs. He let out a shaky breath as he squeezed my waist. I gasped as his tongue then entered my mouth. We eventually pulled away as we noticed that the water was getting cold. Ink left the bathroom first to let me dry off.


You know, funny thing about this chapter: I thought it up while I was taking a shower XD

Anyways, here you go, guys! Hope y'all enjoy!

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