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 * Nightmare

* Ink

❤ Both

* Neither

* ?

I look between the two skeletons in front of me. They both had the same look of anticipation in their eyes.

"I-I don't know who to choose..." I pause for a moment, hesitant, "because I love both of you." I look up at their shocked expressions. I slowly walk up to both of them and embraced them in a hug. They slowly hug back. After what seems like an hour of just standing there, I pull out of the hug.

"I understand that you two don't get along very well, but I'm sure we can make it work." They both look at each other and nod. I smiled, knowing that the three of us would work through this together.














~Three Years Later...~

~Third Person POV~

Both sides have found a truce between them. The two brothers and the two sisters came together again, rekindling their long-abandoned bonds. The multiverse was at peace, thanks to Y/N, Peacekeeper of the Multiverses. Cherry and Dream ended up getting married, and at last, everything was good.

But, curiosity pricks at the back of your mind. What if you had chosen differently?

What if you loaded back?

What if you chose the secret option?

♡True Ending♡

Painting in the Darkness - a Nightmare x reader x InkWhere stories live. Discover now