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He gave me a worried look. "I know that this was hard on you. But I'm only here to protect you, ok?" I nodded in response, resting my head on his chest. He tilted my head up and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. We sat there for a bit until we eventually drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.


Time kept on moving, and eventually, another month had passed. Nightmare and I were so much closer now. He made sure to spend as much time with me as possible whenever he wasn't busy. We had had so many date nights that I couldn't keep count. I felt so happy and at peace. But I would still keep thinking about Dream. I hope he was in a better place now. And...Ink. Oh stars, this must've been so hard on him. I hope he was doing alright.

I was sitting alone in the bedroom. We finally decided that we should just sleep together. It always feels nice when I sleep with him, since he almost always feels warm in contrast to the coldness of the castle.

I suddenly felt a presence in the room. I turned around and saw amber eyes glowing in the corner of the room. They slowly walked towards me...

Only for me to find another human. She seemed pretty harmless, with their brown, wavy hair, pale skin, and vibrant smile.

"Howdy Miss Y/N!" She said sweetly. She sounded like a child, despite looking like she was around 18 years old. She almost seemed to carry an air of innocence around her.

"Oh, uh, hello. Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I almost forgot! I was just so excited to finally meet you! I'm Cherry! Cherry Creme! It's such a pleasure to finally meet you!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I almost forgot! I was just so excited to finally meet you! I'm Cherry! Cherry Creme! It's such a pleasure to finally meet you!"

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"It's nice to meet you too, Cherry," I said sweetly.

"Oh, jeez, I almost forgot again! I'm here to come get you!"

"Wh-" Before I could even ask, she was suddenly in front of me. She gently grabbed my hand and walked me over to the corner where a portal was hidden. We walked through to the other side. I looked around to see a familiar place. The Doodlesphere. I saw Ink looking at one of the hanging sheets of paper. He turned around when he heard the portal close. We both stood there, just looking at each other. Tears welled up in my eyes as I ran towards him. He also ran in my direction, arms outstretched. We both bring each other into a tight embrace, tears streaming down my face.

"I-Ink! I thought I'd never see you again!"

"I was thinking the same thing! Oh stars, I was so worried about you!" We pulled away and looked at each other.

"I was even more worried! I had no idea what you might have been feeling when Dream died!"

Ink then gave me a confused look. "Um, Dream isn't dead." A shocked expression swept across my face.

"Wait, h-he's not? But, that blow to the head! It went right through his skull! I-" I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I was gently turned around and saw...

"Dream!!!" I immediately gave him a bit hug, causing him to go slightly off-balanced. He then hugged me back.

"I-I was so worried! I thought you had d-died!" He gave me a gentle smile.

"And it's all thanks to you, sis." I looked up at him, confused.

"You had healed me. Well, at least, just barely. It was just enough to make it so that I wouldn't die. And then Ink patched me up. But I still have a crack on the back of my skull. But without you, I would have died."

I felt...joy. I smiled, tears still rolling down my face. We eventually parted, and I walk back over to Ink. Cherry then walks up to Dream and gives him a big hug, followed by a quick kiss on the cheek. It seemed that everything was as it should be.

At least, that's what I had thought.



Ok, so to explain why I named my character Cherry. There's a font called Cherry Creme Soda. I got the inspiration for my character's name from there.

And as for Cherry and Dream: Yes, they are dating. Hush. I will be allowing you guys to decide if you want your ocs to be shipped with one of the characters. I'll even allow an oc to be shipped with an oc, so long as both people are okay with it. Anyways, see y'all later!

Also, the picture was a base, so yeah.


Wow, I am actually surprised that I decided to write 2 chapter in one day, on a day where I only got an hour of sleep. Like, I haven't even taken a nap m8. So ye. Hope y'all enjoyed these 2 chapters.

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